The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,5

he finally says.

“You’re talking about the alligator men, right?”

Braxton nods.

“Taken the women where?” I ask, looking around as if a Yalat is going to jump out from behind a door or around the corner. There’s a small flicker of power within me, but even with my adrenaline beginning to compound, I still can’t access it. I find it funny I’ve never felt it before, yet now I’m hyperaware of its presence flowing within me. It’s not as strong as it was earlier, and I wonder if it’s because it needs time to recharge. However, I know my body needs rest because I am one gust of wind from falling over.

“The Yalat are looking for breeders,” Braxton says.

“Breeders?” I put my hands on my hips and purse my lips. “Like how we breed dogs?” When Braxton nods, my gaze fills with black spots as rage blinds me. “We aren’t just some bitches to be raped and used for reproduction! That is beyond disgusting.”

I close my eyes and bite my tongue to keep from screaming. The feel of Braxton’s warm hands gripping my shoulders has me opening my eyes to stare at him. Within his gaze is concern laced with something else lurking in its depths, but I can’t discern what it is. That show of worry, along with my exhaustion, is the only reason I don’t pull away.

“I will make sure no harm comes to you,” he says. “You have my word.”

“As long as you don’t plan on taking me as a breeder, then we’re cool.”

Something flickers in his gaze before he gives me a slight nod and drops his arms to take my hand once again. “Come with me.”

We walk outside, and even the comfort I felt before at his presence doesn’t soothe me. Young women are being taken against their will and forced to submit to an alien race intent on using them for their personal gains. I can’t wrap my mind around it, but there’s no denying the evidence. Only my house and this one were invaded, and it’s not a coincidence. I wrack my brain, trying to remember if there are any more young women in this area.

There aren’t, but Camille is four streets down.

“I need you to help me find my friend,” I say, jerking on Braxton’s hand. “She’s not too far from here, and she’s most likely going to be targeted by those aliens. Well, uh—the bad ones,” I mumble. Braxton’s an alien too, but since he’s similar to a human man, it’s hard to see him as one. Besides, he saved me and helped the other girl. That has to count for something.

He unsheathes his sword. “Take me to her.”

“Thank you.”

I withdraw my hand from his and increase the speed of my steps. Was it only a little while ago I jogged in the opposite direction with my life completely normal? Now I’m racing toward an unknown future with a stranger by my side. There’s a part of me that wants to weep for my parents or hide in a dark place and never come out, but I can’t. Not right now. So I put one foot in front of the other, letting the heat of the sinking sun and the hardness of the pavement keep me tethered to the present moment.

“Her house is the blue one on the left side,” I say. “The address is 1308.” There’s a tremor in my voice, and I sound raspy, but it’s not due to my physical exertion. I exercise almost every day and my cardio is amazeballs. No, what has me shaking and breathless is the idea that I’ll find Camille in the same state as my parents. Even though she’s young and should be taken away as a breeder, I’m still scared.

“Let me go first,” Braxton says, giving me a stern look.

“No problem.”

“And stay here.”

I purse my lips. “Now we have a problem.”

The severe expression on his face would make a normal person’s butthole pucker, but I am no timid individual. So I raise a brow and squint up at him, making sure to let him see the determination in my eyes. Our battle of wills doesn’t last more than two seconds, but I’m proud to name myself the winner.

Braxton turns away and pushes open the door. The fact that there is no resistance from a lock makes my stomach plummet.

Please don’t let her be dead.

The inside of the house is eerily quiet, and I stick close to Braxton while darting my gaze from side Copyright 2016 - 2024