The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,8

even though there are several patients that fill the numerous beds as well as medics tending to them. Braxton’s wearing a white coat over his black flight suit, and his sword is nowhere to be found, which makes sense, since we’re in a clinic. Gone is the warrior from before, and in his place is a physician. Somehow, both personas look good on him.

He swings his head in my direction, catching me staring, but I’m too tired to care. I continue to watch him as he strides across the room, coming to stand directly beside me and leaning over just the tiniest bit.

“Are you all right?” he asks. He reaches out as if to touch me and then retracts his hand.

I lick my lips, trying to get my mouth fully functioning. “I think so.”

As if the temptation to touch me is too strong, he brushes back the hair from my forehead. “You could’ve killed yourself.”

Wow. This guy really knows how to sweet-talk a lady.

“We were surrounded,” I say with a half shrug. “I did what I thought was best.”

“You did not think at all,” he snaps. Inky black streaks appear briefly in the neon blue of his eyes but are gone from one blink to the next. “You were very fortunate your body forced you into a state of unconsciousness instead of utilizing your life force, ergo, killing you.”

Again, what a ladies’ man.

“Look,” I say, pursing my lips, “my life is not yours to worry about.”

He opens his mouth and promptly shuts it with a succinct click of his teeth. Then his nostrils flare as he expels a sharp breath. Something about our conversation has him riled, but I can’t imagine what. I just met the guy, for fuck’s sake.

“Where am I?” I ask, trying to shift the topic of conversation away from me almost dying. It’s not that I was trying to be reckless. I just couldn’t stand back and do nothing while we were in danger. I wish I could point out that Braxton should be grateful I didn’t annihilate him along with the gators, but he’s already pissed off as is.

“You are on the Charvix.” He takes out a device and points it at me. The small machine chirps and pings, no doubt giving him some type of information. The idea makes me uneasy.

Secrets are secret for a reason.

“I feel fine. Can you put that thing away?” I jerk my head at the scanner, and he surprises me by placing it in his pocket. “What is the Charvix?” I ask. “And did you find Camille?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“Cut the crap, Braxton.”

The three other medics along with a number of patients swing their gazes in my direction. I ignore them, keeping my attention solely on the physician. Perhaps that wasn’t the best choice of words, but my worry for my friend sharpens my tongue and shortens my patience.

He raises a brow, letting me know my behavior is outrageous. “The human female, along with several others, is being taken to the Yalat planet. You’re on a Dravian ship that’s pursuing the captive humans.”

I blow out a breath, fluttering the hair above my forehead. I’m on an alien spaceship that’s following another alien spaceship, which is intent on rescuing human women who’ve been abducted. Awesome.

I close my eyes as the foreign concepts percolate within my mind. It’s bizarre, yet I can’t deny what’s happening around me and to me. I still want to know what in the hell is going on with my body. Why do I have powers similar to Braxton’s?

I should be panicking that I’m no longer on my home planet and am currently speeding through space on an alien vessel, but I’m not. Although, I will later. Right now my only concern is Camille, since she is the only family I have. There is nothing left on Earth that means anything to me. The pain that stems from that thought makes me wince.

“Are you feeling ill?”

The feel of Braxton’s hand gently brushing my face has me opening my eyes. He stares down at me, streaks of inky black slithering into his neon gaze. I wonder why that keeps happening to him. I want to ask, but it’s such a minor thing compared to everything else going on.

“I’m fine,” I say, resisting the urge to lean into his touch.

For some inexplicable reason, I feel safe with Braxton, which is pretty amazing considering he’s a strong warrior alien and male. Maybe it’s because he’s done nothing but protect Copyright 2016 - 2024