The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,26

appears so genuine, it’s hard for me to not want to fall back into his trap.

He nods once. “I know, but I do it regardless, and with you on this mission, I think I’ll go mad with worry.”

“Enough,” I snap. “This overly concerned doctor persona is driving me crazy. I appreciate everything you’ve done by saving my life and helping me take control of my power, but now I just need you to leave me alone.”

He jerks back the slightest bit, his gaze going pitch black. “Very well.”

After he spins on his heel and walks away, his strides carrying him swiftly down the hall, I force myself to shut the door. As much as I want to call him back, to explain my anger, I don’t. Cutting any and all ties with him and the rest of the Dravians is the best course of action. Once Camille is safe and we are out of here, there will not be any room for my emotional baggage because I will need all my focus on picking up the pieces of my shattered life back on Earth.

I stretch, flexing and relaxing my body. This flight suit feels amazing. It’s skintight, yet the material breathes, making me feel as if I’m nude. No wonder the aliens wear these things.

The second Braxton heads in my direction, I drop my arms and stiffen my spine. His facial expression is stoic, yet I’m able to catch the anger glittering in his gaze. I’m not sure if that is because of me, but it doesn’t matter. Our relationship is based on a common goal: to free the human women. Anything else is in the past.

“Come,” he says. “We are boarding.”


He juts his chin in the direction of one of the shuttles. “That is the one we will be in.”

“Are all these being deployed?” I ask, running my gaze over the numerous vehicles nestled around the one I’ve been assigned to.


We walk up the ramp, and the inside of the vessel reminds me of something found in a Navy SEAL movie with the various seats pressed against the walls, all sorts of harnesses, and the middle aisle left unobstructed. I take an empty chair and grab one of the leather straps, unsure of how to secure it.

“Lean back.” Braxton secures my seat belts, his fingers skimming over me here and there. His expression is nothing but serious, so I school my features as well, not wanting him to see how his proximity is affecting me. The scent of him drifts to my nostrils and, much to my shame, I slowly inhale, taking him in.

After he’s done, he takes one of the unoccupied seats next to me. Other Dravian males arrive and slowly fill the remaining slots. Erix ends up taking the other spot next to me and gives me a nod.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

I nod. “Bring it on.”

His mouth quirks up, and his eyes crinkle at the corners. “That’s the precise mindset needed on this mission. The Yalat may be primitive, but they are not unintelligent. It would behoove you to stay close.”

“I will be protecting her.” Braxton’s cold tone washes over me, making my skin break out in goose bumps. Thankfully they are hidden by my clothing.

Erix doesn’t appear ruffled in the slightest by the physician’s possessive demeanor. He simply says, “As you should.”

Then Erix switches from English to what I assume is his native tongue and gives Braxton a lecture. Or at least that’s what it sounds like based on the strength and volume of his voice. The physician responds in kind, his tone sharper than I’ve ever heard it. All the other males watch with unconcealed interest. Some of them nod as though agreeing with Braxton, while the others shake their heads. I have no idea what’s being said, but I highly suspect it has to do with me, since some of the soldiers’ gazes keep flickering to me periodically. However, at one point, after Braxton makes a statement, I feel as if everyone is staring at me.

“What did you tell them?” I ask, leaning over and keeping my voice low even though I’m sure everyone can hear me.

“I told them you possess the gift,” Braxton says.

“What else?”

He doesn’t answer me, but Erix does, and the look the physician gives him sends chills down my spine.

“Braxton said you were his mate.”

I swing my gaze from Erix to Braxton, and all the other males do as well. “Why?”

“Now is not the time for this discussion,” Braxton Copyright 2016 - 2024