The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,27

grits out.

At that moment, the engines roar to life, and that low rumble has my adrenaline pumping. I grip the harness around my shoulders, mentally preparing for what’s to come. Everyone falls silent as the shuttle moves, and it has me wondering if we are going to jump into some sort of hyperdrive or warp speed. I’ve watched a number of science fiction movies, but I know it’s nothing compared to experiencing it firsthand.

The ride is surprisingly smooth, but there is no doubt we are in motion. Small tremors snake through the vehicle, making me tighten my grip on my seat belt. At one point, Braxton takes my hand in his, resting our joined fingers on his thigh. I want to pull away but find that I can’t. I’m on a mission that’s not without danger, and there are no guarantees I’ll make it out alive. Although, from the fierce expression on Braxton’s face, I assume he will do everything in his power to ensure I live to see another day.

I exhale deeply when the shuttle lands, not having enjoyed the jostling that occurred when we broke through the planet’s atmosphere. Braxton undoes my seat belts and offers me a hand in assistance. However, I push up from my seat and ignore his help. From now on I have to concentrate on the mission and nothing else.

And I can’t do that if he touches me.

I follow him and the rest of the soldiers down the ramp, taking in the scenery before me. It’s a swampland. Willowy trees lined with vines are everywhere, only broken up by a patch of water. There’s no way to tell how deep it is because it’s murky. There’s a faint stale odor that permeates the air and no wind to blow it away. The sun, if it is a sun, is blocked by the ubiquitous vegetation overhead.

One of the Dravians starts speaking, and none of his words are discernible to me. I frown as frustration surfaces but let it go. It would be ridiculous for me to expect everyone to speak English in front of me. I’m just one person.

“I should’ve gotten you the language download,” Braxton mutters. “That would have made things a little easier.”

“Agreed. Why don’t you just translate for me?”

“The commander is saying that we are targeting the Yalat’s major city because that is where the females should be. All our units are infiltrating from different positions to ensure we prevent any of the Yalat from escaping. The females are the priority, but we are free to engage the enemy, since this is also a mission in which one of the objectives is to eradicate the Yalat. Our leader, Zaden, has given that order so that they will not threaten our people ever again. And the Coalition will not interfere, since the Yalat are the ones who attacked our home planet first.”

“That’s a lot of stuff,” I say. “Looks like shit is about to go down.”

“Most assuredly.” Braxton takes my shoulders and turns me to face him fully. “You will not leave my side. If you do, I will not hesitate to haul you back to the shuttle and strap you in, keeping you restrained for the duration of the mission. The only reason you are here is because you can assist by using your gift. If it weren’t for that, I would not have allowed you to come because the danger is great.” He tightens his grip on me, his eyes now swirling with black. “I will keep you safe at all costs, but you must obey me. Any- and everything I tell you is only to protect you, Skylar. Believe that.”

I nod, unable to speak for a moment. His impassioned speech has me momentarily mesmerized, not to mention it sends my heart racing. “I understand.”

He drops his hold on me and takes my hand in his. “Stay close.”

“I will.”

We follow the rest of the group, our boots making sloshing and squishy sounds as we walk through the muddy terrain. The trees above us sway to and fro as if coaxing us to our doom. The branches are draped with a lime-green moss that has liquid dripping from its ends, reminding me of venom sliding down a snake’s fang. I’m not sure if that’s rain or some other precipitation, but it doesn’t look refreshing like back on Earth.

Braxton jerks on our hands, bringing me to an abrupt halt. I look up at him, taking in the serious expression on his face, Copyright 2016 - 2024