The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,25

so I’m glad he’s no longer touching me. The last thing I need is to hurt someone else, even if it is on accident.

My mouth opens and closes like that of a fish gasping for air before I’m able to answer, “I don’t think so.”

“Let me take you to the med bay,” he says. “We can have Braxton check to make sure you aren’t ill.”

“He is the last person I want to see,” I say.

Erix’s mouth pinches at the corners, but he doesn’t comment on my remark. “Perhaps I can distract you by showing you the garden we have aboard the ship.”

I give him a wobbly smile, grateful for his considerate behavior, but I’ve had more than enough when it comes to Dravian men. Besides, I don’t know him well enough to be in a room alone with him. Staying in public places is safer. How conveniently I forgot that fact when I was around Braxton.

“I’m going to go lie down and rest, but maybe another time?”

He gives me a nod. “I think that will leave you refreshed and we can definitely postpone the tour.”

“Thanks. See you around, Erix.”

“Be well.”

When he leaves me alone in the hallway, I breathe a little easier. If there was any doubt that a man touching me still affected me, this episode with Erix put that to rest. I roll my shoulders, trying to dispel the uncomfortable, lingering sensation of his hands on me.

And yet somehow Braxton has gotten through my carefully laid defenses, and his touch has become something I crave and something that soothes me. I was hoping I’d made it all up in my mind or that my attraction to him had overridden my fear temporarily, but that’s not the case. He is the only one in the last three years to put his hands on me without me trembling in terror. However, I did tremble with desire.

As I head to Braxton’s room, my steps get heavier and heavier. I want to be alone, the guilt from what I did to Teresa flooding me, weighing me down. But it’s not the only thing bothering me.

For some stupid reason, I feel as if my alien boyfriend cheated on me.

Chapter 8

A chime sounding has me lifting my head and blinking slowly. The noise repeats, prompting me to get up with a groan. I open the door to find Braxton staring down at me. His blue gaze immediately darkens as he grips my shoulders.

“What has you upset?”

I give a half-hearted laugh, full of derision and bleakness. “My life.”

He frowns. “Are you unwell?”

“No, Mr. Fix Everybody.” I jerk out from his hold as Teresa’s insults come to the forefront of my mind. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t appear as such.”

“What do you want?” I ask, waiting for him to leave. The way he looks at me with such concern and tenderness threatens to have me crying. Again. It seems as if I’ve done nothing but that since I met him. Not all of it is his fault but some of it.

He cocks his head, his gaze roving over me, no doubt taking in my swollen eyes and disheveled appearance. Wisely he does not comment on them.

“I am here to tell you that we are leaving for the Yalat’s planet in four hours’ time.”

“Great. I’m ready.”

He nods, but the worry does not leave his eyes. “I will see you in the loading dock in three hours. If you are tardy, you will be left behind.”

“I’ll be there,” I say, my tone hard.

Braxton turns to go but halts and swings back to face me. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can assist you with? I can’t help but notice you appear upset.”

I bite my tongue to keep from lashing out at him. It’s not his fault that I’ve thrown myself at him because I’ve experienced genuine arousal for the first time in years. It’s also not his fault that I assumed he was only interested in me, not any other woman on the ship.

It’s a mistake I’ll not be making again.

“I’m fine,” I say, taking a step back. “I’ll be ready for the mission, don’t worry.”

“I cannot help but worry, Skylar.” He exhales and scrubs his jaw with his fingers. “Indeed, it is all I’ve done since meeting you.”

Well, all I’ve done since meeting you is cry, so we’re both a fucking mess.

“I never asked you to worry about me.” The words come out laced with bitterness as I imagine him having this exact conversation with Teresa. He’s so convincing, Copyright 2016 - 2024