Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,89

brothers aren't quite as dark as his dad but not as light as Dirk. But besides their skin tone, the other features are all identical, including their dimples.

"Well, I hope our baby gets your genes," I say.

Gerardo hugs me again. "I'm so excited to hear about the baby. This will be my first grandchild."

I gaze at Finn and Luca. "You two don't have any kids?"

"No, ma'am," Finn replies.

Luca shakes his head.

Well, that is a waste of good genes.

There is no other way to put it. The Zamora men are grade A beautiful packages of testosterone.

I turn back to his father. "Will you visit us when the baby is born? In Bermuda, or Spain, or wherever we are?"

His smile fills his face, and his dimple appears. "I sure will."

"That would be nice."

Finn's phone rings. He leaves the room and points at Dirk.

"I'll be back." Dirk follows him.

"Sit down, Zoe," Luca motions to the couch. I sit, and he grabs the afghan. "Blanket?"


He positions it over me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm a big fan. Dirk and I fell in love with your music when we saw Bullriders."

"Ah. So you're the brother who went with him."

"Yes, ma'am."

Dirk comes into the room. "Sorry to break this party up, but Zoe, we need to go."

"Right now?"


"But I only spent five minutes with your family."

"Sorry, but the plane is waiting."


Finn steps from behind him. "My friend is a pilot. He just got the flight plan to Bermuda booked. But you have to be at the private airport in the next fifteen minutes."

I freeze, staring at all of them.

Dirk points to a door. "Go to the bathroom. You haven't gone since you woke up. Then we need to leave."


"We'll take a trip whenever you land. Best if you get going. It's not safe for you here, either," Gerardo insists.

I do as they say and go to the restroom, then Dirk whisks me out of the house.

They are all in the truck when we get inside.

I wonder if I won a contest for the world's hottest men right now.

How much testosterone is in this truck?

I snuggle into Dirk's chest, and he kisses the top of my head.

When we get to the airport, they all give me hugs, and I make them promise they will visit us wherever we end up.

Dirk and I fly out of Texas and then the U.S. By the time we get to Bermuda, it's dark.

"Do you think anyone got here?" I quietly ask, thinking about how Vanessa, Julieta, and Penelope were back in the situations they didn't want to be. Then I think of Penelope's missing daughter, and I hold my stomach, unable to imagine how much pain she must be in or what I would do if someone took my child.

"I hope so," Dirk mumbles and holds his hand out for me to take.

I rise, and we leave the plane. When I step onto the ground in Bermuda, a sense of safety overcomes me.

I freeze.

"What's wrong, my Little Diva?"

"Is it strange I feel safe all of a sudden?"

He shakes his head. "No. I feel it too."

"You do?"

"Yes. I have this sixth sense, I guess you can say."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to think I'm crazy."

"Hit me with it."

He pauses then says, "I can feel danger. I don't feel any right now. It's the first time in months I haven't felt it."

"So, you think we're safe here too?"

"Yes. But let's get to the house and see if anyone else is here."



The cab pulls up to the house. It's dark out, but the lights are on inside.

Someone is here.

"Who do you think made it?" Zoe asks.

"Don't get too excited. It could be Blaise or someone in his family besides Andre, here on vacation."

Her face falls.

I knock on the door and kiss the top of Zoe's head. I'm still worried about her. The doctor kept assuring me she and the baby are healthy, but it shook me up. Maybe some of it is due to my mother dying from my childbirth, but seeing Zoe passed out, and blood on her shorts is haunting me.

My father was a rock through it all, but I can only assume what went through his mind when I brought her into the house in her passed out state.

The light to the porch turns on, and the door opens. Blaise grins. "Dirk! Thank God you're alive. We've been worried about you." He turns to Zoe. "And you. Are you okay? That mob looked pretty intense."

Zoe tilts her head. "Are you Blaise?"

"Yes, sorry."

"I see

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