Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,90

Zoe doesn't need an introduction. Can we come in?"

Blaise steps back. "Oh, sorry! Come in."

We step through the front door, and Naomi shrieks, "Zoe! Dirk! Thank God!" She runs to Zoe and hugs her. "Are you okay? We saw the news coverage today."

"What news coverage?" I ask.

"Zoe was being trampled by fans."

Andre comes into the room, and we embrace. "You've had me worried."

"Sorry. Things got a little out of control. But we've got bigger problems."

"The others. I know. Vanessa told us she saw the other women," Andre says.

"Vanessa is here?" Zoe's voice is full of hope.

"No. She's with Hunter in Australia. They left a few days ago, and we spoke with them today."

Relief surges through me. "They're safe then?"


"Are Malin and Emilia here?"

Naomi closes her eyes as if in pain. "No. They were last seen at an embassy party in D.C., according to Kalim."

I lock eyes with Andre. "Why would they be there?"

"We don't know, and Kalim didn't know either."

Zoe puts her hand on her stomach and winces. "What's wrong?"

"I just had a pain shoot through my stomach."

"We need a doctor. Tonight," I demand. "Zoe, sit down." I lead her to the couch.

Naomi sits next to her. "Are you hurt from when you were mobbed earlier today?"

Zoe looks at me.

I smile at her. "No. Zoe's pregnant, and we're having a baby."

Congratulations and surprise fill the air.

"But she got hurt today. The doctor in Texas said everything was fine, but we need a doctor here...preferably tonight."

"I'll call Sloane," Blaise says and leaves the room.

Zoe winces again.

"Lay down, my Little Diva."

Naomi rises and picks up pillows then puts them under Zoe's head. Andre grabs a blanket and covers her.

"Now I really feel like a diva," Zoe teases. "You don't all need to fuss like this."

"You had the wind knocked out of you, they hit into your stomach so hard. Don't downplay this," I bark out.

Zoe's eyes widen.

I scrub my face. "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound gruff."

She reaches for my hand. "Come here for a minute."

I bend down.

She holds my face. "I'm fine. Everything is okay." She pecks me. "Why don't you talk with Andre and Blaise and let Naomi and I have some girl time? Have a beer or something."

"Good idea. Dirk, let's go," Andre says.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Dirk, I'm fine. Naomi is right here."

"I'll yell if she has any more pains," Naomi promises and sets a glass of water on the table next to Zoe. "I'll even give her a foot massage."

"Yes! Total diva benefits," Zoe chirps then points to the barstools across the room. "Go. Have a beer with the guys."

I debate.

"Go. It's a few feet away," Zoe insists.

I finally kiss her on the forehead and obey. When I get to the other side of the room, Andre hands me a beer, and Blaise reenters the room. "Sloane will be here in about a half-hour."

"Who's Sloane?"

Blaise's jaw clenches. "She's a therapist but is also a medical doctor. She had a large practice before she decided to focus on therapy."

"How do you know her?"

"I've known her for a while now."

"She's great. She's been helping Naomi and Vanessa. Even though Hunter and Vanessa are in Australia, she's going to continue to treat her via virtual meetings."

"What does she know about pregnant women?"

"She had a large practice. You can drill her when she gets here, but if she weren't capable of helping Zoe, she would be the first person to refer her out," Blaise defensively replies.

"We can't advertise Zoe is here anyway. Sloane is trustworthy," Andre adds.

I release a big breath. "Okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to question her."

"I imagine I would too if I was going to be a father. What's that like? I think I'd be petrified," Andre asks.

I glance at Zoe, who's getting a foot massage from Naomi while they talk in hushed voices. "I'm excited, scared, and worried about Zoe and the baby."

Andre pats my back. "Sloane is a great doctor. She helped Naomi when she had her meningitis too."

"When did that happen?"

We discuss what happened to Andre and Naomi, as well as what Zoe and I went through to get to Bermuda. They also fill me in on what happened with Hunter and Vanessa.

"So no one has heard from Axel, Ryker, or Malin?"

Andre glances at Blaise. "Axel was here."

"When? Where is he?"

"We don't know where he is right now. He isn't answering his phone," Blaise informs me, and they tell me about his quick visit when Penelope was taken into custody by the Bermudian immigration.

"We need to

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