Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,88

in my gut.


"I'm okay. Just drive. We need to get across."

He grabs my hand and squeezes it until we get in line to cross the bridge.

There are several cars in front of us. Dirk leans over and cups my face. "Are you in pain?"

I try to be brave, but a tear falls.

"Tell me what hurts."

"My stomach. Twice they knocked into it. It's...it's throbbing."

He pulls me into him. "As soon as we get across, we're going to see a doctor."

It feels like forever, waiting in line to get to the booth. I try to think positive thoughts, but I keep wondering if our baby got hurt. Dirk and I stay silent, but I see the worry on his face. He kisses my hand so many times I lose count.

By the time we get to the immigration officer, I'm tired and ready to go to sleep.

"We're going to the gala," Dirk says when the officer asks for our passports. Dirk hands him two, and he stamps them then gapes at me for a brief moment.

"Are we able to go now?" Dirk asks.

He tears his gaze from me and hands him back the passports. "Yes. Have a nice trip."

"Thank you." He drives past the gate and crosses over into the U.S. As soon as we get a few kilometers off the bridge, Dirk veers into a parking lot. He places his hand on my cheek. "You look pale."

"I'm tired."

A truck pulls next to us.

"My brothers are here. We need to go. Let me come help you out."

"I can walk."

"Just wait for a minute, and let me come help you." Dirk slings his backpack over his shoulder, comes to my side of the van and helps me out.

When I stand on my feet, I'm dizzy, and he stops me from falling.


I pass out. Everything turns black. When I wake up, I'm in a bed, and a man I've never met is hovering over me. He's a good looking man maybe in his late forties with black and silver hair.

"Who are you?" I cry out, scared, and sit up.

He holds his hands up. "Easy there. I'm a doctor."

"Zoe." Dirk is on the other side of the bed and takes my hand. His hazel eyes are full of worry.

"What happened? Is our baby—"

"Everything is fine. The baby is perfectly healthy," the doctor says.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"We ran an ultrasound while you were sleeping. Everything is fine. You have no reason to worry."

"I don't?"


Tears fall, and I nod. "Okay. Thank you."

Dirk wipes my cheek.

The doctor says, "You had some bleeding—"

"What?" I panic.

He holds his hands in the air again. "Everything is fine. If you have anymore let me know but don't stress. Right now, your baby is developing perfectly. Do you want to know the sex?"

Dirk strokes my hair. "I didn't want to know without you."

I turn to him. "I don't want to know yet."


"No. I think it might be nice to have a surprise."

He smiles. "Okay. We won't find out then."

The doctor rises. "Dirk, you know how to reach me. Ms. Diego, it was a pleasure meeting you. My entire family is a big fan of yours."


"Yes. Everyone loves your music around here."

I turn to Dirk. "Are we still in Mexico?"

He chuckles. "No, my Little Diva. You're a hit in these parts of Texas too."

"I am?"


People in the U.S. know my music?

I sit flabbergasted for a moment. Then fear fills me. I turn back to the doctor. "You won't tell anyone I'm here?"

His smile falls. "No, ma'am."

I release a breath. "Thank you."

"You contact me if you need anything during your stay."

"Thank you."

He leaves, and Dirk slides on the bed next to me and pulls me into his arms. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

He kisses my forehead. "Not your fault. Are you feeling okay now?"

"Yes. Where are we?"

"At my dad's. My brothers are in the other room too."

I turn into him more and wince. "This is so embarrassing."


"First time meeting your family and I pass out? Pretty dramatic," I mumble.

He softly laughs. "Well, you are my Little Diva."

I moan and put my head into his chest.

"Do you want to meet them?"


"Do you feel okay to get out of bed?"

"I feel fine now."

He pecks me. "Good."

We go out to the main room, and I meet his dad, Gerardo, and brothers Finn and Luca. They all embrace me tightly and kiss me on the cheek.

I step back and study all of them. There's no doubt they are blood. Gerardo is an older version of Dirk but darker-skinned. His

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