Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,93

prevent anyone getting off ship without proper approval and acknowledgment of their superiors and/or peers,” Quin explained.

Bart just shook his head and continued pacing on his side of the viewing screen.

“I am aware of just how bad this could have turned out. If they’d been denied entry all together, and Lo'San was physically kept away from his mate, he could have lost control. Had it been another of my officers who is Cruestaci and their Psi took over, it would not have been so easily solved. Thankfully, Lo'San is more controlled due to his Eschina heritage, and the fact that he thinks on his feet, even when in emotional upheaval. Do not think I’m not affected by this. But, let me also make it clear, if it were my Vivi, I’d have stormed the satellite station, found my Ehlealah, and blown it out of existence as I left if anyone thought to be stupid enough to keep her from me. I completely understand Lo'San’s unwillingness to just turn around and come back without his mate.”

Bart scrubbed both hands down his face, having calmed enough to see both sides. “I need to paint this in an acceptable light in order to maintain us all in a favorable status.”

“Can we not just say that Lo'San’s mate was kidnapped and you intercepted and gave her protection until he could arrive to save her?” Quin asked.

“There were at least forty soldiers standing them off when they docked. That’s a lot of eyes to convince otherwise,” Bart said.

“How many were witness to their reconciliation?” Quin asked.

“Your Elite Teams, Lo’San, Rokai, Ambassador Karel, myself via the com unit, and the two guards assigned to Lo'San’s mate,” Bart said.

“And us,” Zha Tahl said. “We were listening as well.”

“It seems to me, Rokai has provided us the opportunity we look for,” Eula said.

Bart turned to look at Eula and Zha Tahl.

“He thanked everyone for their protection of Lo'San’s mate, told them they could all expect commendations, and complimented them on their services,” Eula said.

“He was not serious, he was being his typical smart-assed self. And because of that you’re going to reward everyone on that satellite station for their part?” Bart asked.

“No, we are going to reward all who witnessed the actual reconciliation for their part in keeping Lo'San’s mate safe until Lo'San could arrive. We are going to state that because you were on Cruestace, the communications were somewhat muddled, but that your Ambassador Karel was clear enough on the fact that the Cruestaci had reason to be aboard the satellite station that he allowed them to land despite the fact they were not cleared in advance. He alone provided the opportunity needed for our General to have access to his mate that would otherwise not have been granted,” Eula stated.

“Karel is an idiot,” Bart mumbled.

“Even better. He’ll happily accept the commendation and never tell of what really happened,” Eula commented.

“You think that will work?” Bart asked.

“It’s better than nothing, and we will provide the commendations, as well as make it a publicized event. It will promote the careers and increase the respect of all involved. Those on the flight deck will be none the wiser, they simply followed directions, and all was well that ended well,” Eula said.

Bart turned to Quin. “What do you think?”

“I think it could work. It’s the best option we have at this time,” Quin said.

“Even if there are any rumors surrounding the occurrence, the hard evidence is that Lo'San and his mate have been reunited, and the warriors involved in guarding her while she was on your satellite station, as well as the Ambassador who granted our battle cruisers access, will receive commendations. That will far outweigh any rumors that may eventually surface,” Zha Tahl said. “I think it’s a good plan.”

“Let’s put it into place, then,” Bart said resignedly.

“Excellent. Before I let you go work out the details, I will be calling a private vid com later in the month, I would appreciate all three of you making time for it,” Zha Quin said.

“Is there a problem, Zha Quin?” Zha Tahl asked.

Quin shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. But I am considering some changes, and may have news I wish to share at that time.”

“Very well. Let us get this taken care of and let us know when you decide you wish to have us available for your vid com.” Zha Tahl said.

“Thank you, Father,” Quin answered.

Eula rose from her seat and approached the viewing screen on her

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