Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,92

Zha Quin. “What would you have done?”

Zha Quin stared back at Lo'San through the vid com and didn't reply at first. Then he simply gave a single nod. “Is she well?”

“Yes, we are both shaken, but well, and still mated,” Lo'San said.

“Just get back here. We’ll talk about it more when you arrive,” Zha Quin said.

“Very well,” Lo'San answered before Zha Quin ended the com on his end.

Zha Quin’s chest rumbled as he locked eyes with Ba Re’ who stood just behind him on the Command Deck. “Can you believe this?” Quin asked.

Ba Re’ had a whole new outlook since finding, and being unable to claim his Ehlealah to date. He simply met Quin’s gaze. “What would you have done?” he asked.

“Much worse, I fear,” Quin admitted. He sighed as he returned his attention to the other active com on the viewing screen of the Command Deck where Bart waited for him to return to their conversation with Quin’s parents seated beside him. “I am here,” Zha Quin said, his voice still somewhat snarly.

“Have you spoken to General Lo'San or to Rokai?” Bart asked.

“Yes. They did not invade your station. They were on a rescue mission,” Quin said, intentionally looking away from his parents’ gaze as he spoke to Bart.

“No one needed rescuing, Quin,” Bart snapped.

“They didn’t know that,” Quin insisted.

“Of course they did! No one under our protection, especially a female, is in danger,” Bart said.

“Lo'San’s mate was kidnapped! He went after her! What more is needed to understand his desperation?” Zha Quin asked.

“She was not in danger, and she’d expressly said she wanted no part of a visit from him, according to Ambassador Karel,” Bart said.

“Are you aware of the details?” Quin asked, stepping closer to the viewing screen.

“I am. I heard their reconciliation. I am aware of the circumstances,” Bart answered.

“Then what is the problem?” Quin shouted. “Explain to me the issue. No one was injured, no weapons were fired, and Lo'San and his female are reunited!”

“The problem is that two Cruestaci battle ships forced their way onto the dock of our satellite station, refused to be warned off, insisted the Elite teams they carried be granted entrance to our facility, and totally disregarded any authority the Consortium may have previously held. I have no doubt any respect we commanded has been brought down a notch, if not two! We cannot have this kind of thing happening, Quin! It simply cannot be tolerated!” Bart yelled.

Quin understood Bart’s point of view. Bart had a position that demanded the utmost respect. He had a reputation and duties to uphold. Lo'San’s and Rokai’s assault on the Consortium’s satellite station would have been seen as an act of aggression had it been on the Consortium’s actual space station. And it could feasibly be seen as such in this circumstance as well. Bart needed to save face and explain away the situation.

“I understand your situation,” Quin said.

“Do you? Do you really?” Bart asked, beginning to pace.

“I do. How can we repair the appearance of our insisting on being granted entry to your satellite station?” Quin asked.

“How should I know?” Bart yelled, throwing a hand in the air.

“You are the Chairman of the Consortium, you would know best. Calm your mind, Bart. Think. What do you need us to do to help this look as though it is an acceptable event?”

“You could control your damned males! That would help immensely!” Bart snapped.

Chapter 24

Quin maintained his own control when he decided to explain once more from his perspective what had caused the breach in conduct for his General and well meaning brother who happened to be acting Elite Force Commander. “You have no idea just how controlled we all are. And allow me to clarify for the sake of argument, Lo’San’s entire family with the sole exception of his father conspired to kill his mate. They drugged her, removed her from the ship….”

“How was that even achieved?” Bart interrupted. “Command Warship 1 has security most would pay to have. How was she taken off the ship without someone noticing? It makes no sense.”

“Lo'San’s brother could be his twin. He pretended to be Lo'San. No one questioned him. We are implementing new guidelines that will require double and triple checks of all flight plans and excursions. No one person will be given leeway simply because of their status. Even I will have to have the approval of several of my officers on my plan in order to commandeer a cruiser or a transport. This will

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