Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,94

side. “Quin, is all well?”

“Yes, Mother. Better than you’d imagine,” Quin said.

“Very well, we’ll speak later,” Eula answered, a gentle yet surprised smile on her face.

“End com, Communications Master Vennie,” Quin ordered, as he smiled at his mother, knowing she most likely had already figured out some of what he had to tell them.

“Com ended, Sire,” Vennie responded.

“Thank you. Please confirm both battle cruisers are on their way back,” Quin said.

“Confirmed, Sire. Both are on their way, no injuries, no fatalities,” Vennie assured.

“Are you staying on deck?” Quin asked Ba Re’.

“Re’Vahl is on duty. I’ll relieve him at the end of his shift,” Ba Re’ answered.

“Lieutenant Commander Re’Vahl, are you prepared to take the Command Deck?” Zha Quin asked.

“Yes, Sire! I am,” Re’Vahl answered.

“Contact me if needed. I’m returning to my quarters,” Quin said.

“Yes, Sire. I will,” Re’Vahl answered, moving to take Quin’s place in the command chair.

“Monitor both battle cruisers, if their path changes at all contact me at once,” Quin said just before he exited the doors.

“Yes, Sire,” Re’Vahl confirmed.

Quin strode down the corridor intent on getting to Vivi, but paused when he heard Ba Re’ call out his name. Quin turned to find Ba Re’ rushing to catch up with him. “Quin, is all well?” Ba Re’ asked.

“Yes,” Quin answered.

“Is there anything I should know?” Ba Re’ asked, having heard Quin tell his family and Bart he wanted a private com with them.

“No,” he answered, not wanting to tell Ba Re’ anything his family didn’t know yet. In fact, there was nothing to discuss yet, but hopefully there would be soon. “How do things stand with you and your Ehlealah?” Quin asked.

Ba Re’ shook his head. “I’ve stepped away from her. I cannot function with this constant back and forth,” Ba Re’ admitted.

“I am sorry, Ba Re’. Surely all will work itself out,” Quin said.

“I’ve suggested she petition for a position working with Bart under the Consortium’s umbrella. I’ve moved into temporary quarters until she leaves the ship.”

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Quin asked, shocked to hear the news.

“I’m losing myself, Quin. I cannot compromise my wellbeing because she is unsure of what she wants. I will not force her, she will not accept my claim until she is satisfied with herself. We are at an impasse.”

“If I can be of assistance…” Quin said.

“I will continue on as I always have. I will not be the first Cruestaci male unable to claim his Ehlealah. It will not kill me,” Ba Re’ said bravely.

“It is not yet done, she will eventually come around,” Quin said.

“Perhaps,” Ba Re’ agreed.

“You know the politics between the Cruestaci and the Consortium as well as I. Feel free to send a formal request for placement with them for your female if you believe she could perform well. I will sign off on anything you suggest,” Quin offered.

“Thank you,” Ba Re’ said.

“Do not spend too much time alone, Ba Re’. Time will drive you insane if you have too much of it,” Quin suggested.

Ba Re’ gave a sad laugh. “I am only too aware. I’ve been training with our warriors at every opportunity. It keeps my mind sharp and my body exhausted.”

“Very good. I will take my leave now, I’m anxious to return to Vivi. But I will call you, as well as several others into the meeting I’ve requested with my parents and Bart. I’ll let you know when to expect it.”

“Alright. If you need me, call on me,” Ba Re’ said.


Quin very quietly walked into his quarters. All was still darkened just like he left it, which let him know that Vivi had managed to fall asleep. He went to his bedroom and found Vivi curled up with Kitty, soundly sleeping. He climbed over them and settled in behind Vivi, kissing her bare shoulder as he pulled the comforter over them.

She shifted against him before settling down again. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Miraculously, yes,” Quin answered.

“Is Synclare okay?”

“She is. She is coming home with Lo'San. All is well,” Quin assured her.

“Okay,” Vivian answered.

“How are you feeling, Ehlealah?” Quin asked.

“Very, very sleepy. Just can’t keep my eyes open.”

“Rest, then. If you want anything at all, let me know, and it will be done,” Quin said, stroking the skin on her back and her arms as he kissed the back of her head.

“We have so much to talk about though,” she said on a yawn.

“It can wait. You need to rest. All you need to concern yourself with is knowing that whatever makes you

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