Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,84

yelling back to Lo'San.

“That was kind of you,” Rokai said, coming to stand beside Lo'San and watch as Lo'San’s mother, brother and sister-in-law were taken away.

“He was ordered to kill Sink Lar — he did not,” Lo'San said.

Rokai shrugged. “Very well. What now?”

“Where is Sire Zha Quin Tha?” Lo'San asked.

“He is indisposed,” Rokai answered.

Lo'San looked over at Rokai. “What does that mean?”

“It means he’s given orders that he is not to be disturbed. He is tending our Sirena today.”

Lo'San spun on his heel and set out for the flight deck. “Missy!” he snapped.

“Yes, General,” Missy answered.

“Prepare a transport! I’m going to get my mate!”

“No!” Rokai shouted as he ran along beside Lo'San. “We should take a battle cruiser! Better yet, let’s take two!” Then Rokai spoke to Missy. “Missy! Order my team to assemble on the flight deck at once!”

“Right away Elite Commander Rokai ahl,” Missy responded.


Zha Quin lay on the sofa in his and Vivi’s quarters with her sleeping atop him. He’d spent the day at her side, just being the mate he’d promised to be when he claimed her as his Ehlealah. Their main vidcom unit began pinging startling her as she napped on top of him. He snuggled her close, murmuring to her quietly to lull her back to sleep. She’d had a hard day and he wanted nothing to upset her any further.

“Missy,” he said as quietly as he could and still be heard.

“Yes, Commander,” Missy answered.

“Disable the main com. We are not to be disturbed at all!” Quin said.

“Disabled,” Missy answered and the pinging stopped at once.

Vivi settled down and her breathing evened out as she began to fall back into a deep sleep. Then the communicator he wore on his wrist began to sound.

On a snarl he lifted his arm and ripped it from his wrist, then pressed anything he could find to turn the damned thing off. Doing his best to calm his irritation, he almost lost it when the communicator Vivi wore began to sound.

“Why does no one obey me?!” Quin snapped.

“What’s wrong?” Vivian asked sleepily, beginning to lift herself off him.

“No, stay where you are, Ehlealah,” Quin said gently, pulling her back down onto his chest. “Missy! Block all communications to myself and Sirena Vivi!” Quin ordered.

Vivian snuggled down into his arms as he removed her communicator from her wrist, and tossed it to the floor along with his.

“Who’s trying to get us?” she asked.

“I do not know. It does not matter. I have not given you an uninterrupted day since you boarded this ship. It is time I did so,” Quin said, smoothing a hand back and forth over her back.

“It’s okay. I understand,” she said on a yawn.

“You should not have to understand. If all others can take time for their females, I can certainly do the same. Especially today,” he said.

“With Re’Vahl’s promotion, you’ll have more time,” she said.

“Yes, I will,” he agreed.

“Maybe I should have waited until he’s fully trained,” Vivian suggested.

“Nonsense. You should never have to wait for anything you wish. If I can grant it, it’s yours.”

“Thank you, Quin,” Vivian mumbled sleepily.

Missy spoke, interrupting them again. “Commander, you are needed on the Command Deck immediately.”

“I am not reporting to the Command Deck. I told you I am not to be interrupted today — numerous times!”

“I was ordered to override that order, Commander,” Missy replied.

“By who?” Quin demanded.

“By Sovereign Zha Tahl Tel Mo’ Kok,” Missy responded.

Quin lifted Vivian from his chest, and settled her on the sofa. “I’ll be but a moment, Ehlealah.” He walked over to the main com unit and flicked it on. At once he was greeted by the angry face of Chairman Bartholomew, his father - Sovereign Zha Tahl Tel Mo’ Kok, and his mother — Sovereigna Eula Tel Mo’ Kok.

“What is happening?” Zha Quin demanded on seeing their demeanor.

“You tell us!” Bart demanded.

“I don’t understand,” Zha Quin answered.

“Explain to me why two Cruestaci battle cruisers docked on the United Consortium Defense satellite station, despite the fact they were denied permission to dock!” Bart demanded.

Chapter 22

The soldiers of the Unified Consortium Defense held their weapons trained on the twin battle cruisers that had docked — against orders — and now sat secured on the pads they’d chosen at will. They heard the airlocks release on both cruisers, they stood watching, waiting, wanting anything but a battle with Cruestaci warriors, but not afraid to do whatever was necessary to defend the Consortium they’d sworn to protect.


The communicator in General Lo’San’s battle cruiser crackled.

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