Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,83

this other than to try to unite us all.”

Mee’ta’s expression fell and became one of fury.

“That’s right, I disobeyed your orders, you wretched female,” Ko'San said.

“Stop speaking!” Ph’eel screeched at the top of her lungs.

“You stop speaking!” Ko'San raged at Ph’eel. “I’m done with you and all that you represent!” Then Ko'San turned back to Lo'San. “Our mother drugged your mate, then ordered me to dress in your uniform and take her off this ship. She knew we look so much alike, no one would question me. And she was right, it worked. But once I looked down at your female, sleeping helplessly in my arms, I could not make myself administer the additional doses Mother and Ph’eel ordered be administered. Your female is not dead. She is safe and under the guard of the Unified Consortium Defense. She awaits return to her home world,” Ko'San said.

“You will never return to my household!” Ph’eel screamed. “Your false accusations will be proven.”

Lo'San stood with his father’s hands still against his chest as he listened to his brother’s explanation.

“If she found herself aboard a strange ship, she would have reached out to me,” Lo'San said, still unsure if his brother had harmed her or not.

Ko'San shook his head. “Our Mother wrote letters. One for you from her, and one for her from you. She had Ph’eel’s tablet create messages based on the handwritten letters Ph’eel found in your storage unit. Mother recreated those messages to appear as they were written by each of you. She also transferred your credits to your female’s credit band to further the appearance that she left you.”

Lo'San glared at his mother, she glared back.

“Who will you believe — a jealous brother who’s lived his adult life compared to you, or your own Mother, Lo’San?” Mee'ta asked.

“What did her letter say?” Lo'San asked, his voice a constant growl.

“I know not!” Mee'ta answered defiantly.

“Ko'San?” Lo'San growled.

“That you had decided you could not live a life without your family and young ones of your own. Ph’eel had agreed to give you a place in her household and all the young ones you wished for. And it explained that you’d loaded her band with credits so that she wouldn’t need for anything,” Ko'San said.

“That’s ludicrous! I would never do such a thing, and I’d never harm that poor, innocent female….” Mee'ta began babbling incessantly in defense of herself.

“Silence!” Rokai bellowed, causing everyone in close proximity to wince at the decibel level of his shout. Then he turned his attention to Lo'San. “What do you wish to do?”

Lo'San didn’t hesitate. “Take them into custody. They are to be held without possibility of release until I return, then I’ll decide exactly what’s to be done with them,” he ordered.

Several nearby warriors responded to Lo’San’s orders. As Mee'ta, and Ph’eel screamed and cried, proclaiming their innocence, Ko'San very calmly allowed the warriors to take him into custody. When one of them placed a hand on Lau’San’s shoulder and made to turn him so that he could be remanded as well, Lo'San stopped him.

“Leave my father free. He was with me all day,” Lo'San said.

“Are you sure he was not party to it, meant to keep you preoccupied while Synclare was spirited away?” Rokai asked.

Lo'San glanced at Rokai, then his father.

“I had no idea of their plans, Lo'San. Had I, I’d have warned you. I’d have prevented their actions any way I could,” Lau'San said sincerely.

“Shut your mouth! Why do you and Ko'San think you have the freedom to speak at will? Stop speaking!” Mee'ta ordered almost hysterically.

“My father is not involved,” Lo'San said.

“Take them to the holding cells below deck. Do not allow them any conveniences not provided for any other prisoner. The preliminary charges are kidnapping,” Rokai said.

“And theft,” Lo'San growled.

“And attempted murder,” Ko'San added from where he was being held by two warriors. “Do not forget they instructed me to give her two additional doses of her medication in a plan to kill her!”

“Silence!” Ph’eel screamed.

“No! You be silent! I renounce you! I am no longer a part of your household and as is law, my young ones will be forbidden in your home as well!” Ko'San yelled at Ph’eel.

“Everyone be silent!” General Lo'San ordered. “Take them away!”

All of his family except for his father was dragged from the commissary as everyone in attendance looked on. Lo'San had another quick thought and stepped into the corridor to call after them. “Place Ko'San in his own cell!”

“Thank you!” Ko’San’s voice could be heard

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