Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,82

she screamed.

“Please. I would consider it an honor to be released from you and your manipulations. I will take my young ones and seek an appreciative female — should I survive Lo'San’s wrath.” Ko'San walked out of their quarters and the door slid closed behind him.

He went directly to the lift that would take him to Lo'San’s home, and simply shook his head disgustedly when he heard Ph’eel’s scream of frustration from down the corridor as she threw her tempter tantrum at not having him bow to her wishes.


Lo'San and Rokai burst onto the landing deck and began searching for Pilot Kr’s’haw. “Warrior!” General Lo'San shouted to the first male he saw.

“Sir!” the warrior answered, coming to attention.

“Where is Pilot Kr’s’haw?” Lo'San demanded.

“He is off duty, General. We have several pilots in the lounge awaiting a call to duty. I’m sure one of them can serve your needs.”

“I need Pilot Kr’s’haw,” Lo'San growled, turning to leave the landing deck.

As Rokai and Lo'San stepped back into the corridor, they met Lau'San coming toward them. “Any luck?” Lau'San asked.

“The pilot is off duty. We are going to find him now,” Rokai said, as Lau'San fell into step with them.

Taking the lift back up to the residential levels, they stepped off the lift as Lo'San spoke to Missy. “Which quarters are Pilot Kr’s’haw’s?”

“They are third down on the aft side, General,” Missy answered.

Lo'San didn’t even waste time requesting entry, he simply scanned his hand across the sensor and when the door opened, he stepped into the room holding two beds and two storage cabinets — it was typical for unmated warriors of enlisted rank to share quarters. “Pilot Kr’s’haw?!” he called out as they searched his quarters.

Rokai walked over to the cleansing chamber and peeked his head inside. “He is not here. No one is.”

“Where is Pilot Kr’s’haw, Missy?” Lo'San asked.

“He is in the commissary, General,” Missy answered.

“Why did you not tell me that?!” Lo'San bellowed.

“You didn’t ask where he was, you asked where his quarters were, General,” Missy answered.

Lo'San growled as he left Pilot Kr’s’haw‘s quarters, headed toward the commissary.

On entering the commissary, Lo'San simply raised his voice and demanded Pilot Kr’s’haw come to him. “Pilot Kr’s’haw” he shouted. “Front and center, Now!”

A male seated with several friends halfway across the room stood. “I am here,” the male said, as he began to walk toward General Lo'San.

“Where is my mate?” Lo'San snarled, advancing on the male.

“I presume she is exactly where you left her. Aboard the United Consortium Defense Satellite Station,” Pilot Kr’s’haw answered.

Lo'San stuttered to a stop. “What did you say?” he asked.

“I said, I presume she’s exactly where you left her.”

“I did not leave her anywhere but our quarters,” Lo'San insisted. “What nonsense do you speak of?”

“You had me transport the both of you to the Consortium Satellite Station yesterday. Only you returned,” Pilot Kr’s’haw declared.

“I did no such thing!” Lo'San shouted.

“I did,” a voice from behind Lo'San, Rokai and Lau'San said calmly.

Lo'San turned at the admission and his face became a mask of rage. “What have you done?” he bellowed, advancing on Ko'San.

Ko'San stood his ground, not even flinching as Lo'San clearly planned to attack.

“Lo'San!” Lau'San shouted, stepping between his sons before Lo'San actually got close enough to get his hands on Ko'San. “Let him speak before you take out your vengeance.”

“I’ll kill him,” Lo'San snarled, as the spines on his shoulders enlarged and his natural armor began to cover his skin.

“And I’ll deserve it, accept it even, but first you should know exactly who executed this entire manipulation,” Ko'San said calmly.

Lo'San was breathing heavily, just barely holding himself back as he allowed his father to stand between him and his brother.

“I’ve come in search of you for selfish reasons, my brother. I wish to ease my soul of the crushing guilt I cannot escape. If you wish to kill me after you know the truth, so be it. I would certainly do the same were the circumstances reversed,” Ko'San said.

“Ko'San!” their mother’s voice called out. “What have you done? How could you kill such a gentle, trusting female?” Mee'ta rushed out as she and Ph’eel hurried into the commissary and quickly took stock of what was happening.

“Ko'San! I forbid you to speak any further. Your admission of guilt is enough!” Ph’eel said.

Ko'San looked over toward his mother and his mate. “Contrary to your orders, Mother, I’ve not killed her. I could not find it in my heart to harm the female. She’s had no part in any of

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