Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,81

to the side ever so slightly as he realized the question they should have been asking. “How did she leave the ship, Missy?”

Again Missy searched her data bases before answering. "She left aboard Transport 3V4, General.”

“Who piloted the transport?” Lo'San demanded.

“Pilot Kr’s’haw is assigned to Transport 3V4, General.”

Lo'San said nothing more, simply started for the door of his quarters.

Rokai stooped over and grabbed the letter, then fell into step beside him, and Lau'San right behind them.

“Lau'San!” Mee'ta called out.

“I’m going to help my son,” he answered.

“You’ve done enough,” Mee'ta snapped.

“No, Mee'ta. But you have. I suggest you prepare yourself for whatever comes from this.”

“I have had no hand in Sink Lar’s disappearance!” Mee'ta claimed indignantly.

Lau'San shook his head. “I don’t know how, or what you’ve managed to do, but I have no doubt that you are involved. I’m going to help my son. You do whatever you wish.”


Ph’eel arrived back in her quarters out of breath and outraged.

“This is not a place I wish to be any longer!” she screeched. “I will not stand for the treatment a female of my status receives aboard this ship!” she insisted, stalking around the bedroom she found Ko'San in.

Ko'San sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands as he stared at the floor. He gave no reply.

“Did you hear me? You must take a stance! No worthy male would allow his female to be disrespected in the manner I have been!” Ph’eel demanded.

Ko'San sighed and raised his head, looking over at Ph’eel. “What is it you find unacceptable this time?” he asked tiredly.

“This time? This time! You know I am a patient female! I do not complain unnecessarily! How dare you insinuate that I am a difficult female?!”

“Of course you’re not difficult,” Ko'San said sarcastically.

“No, I am not! And you should watch your tone,” she insisted.

“Of course,” he said dispassionately.

“You will go to Commander Tel Mo’ Kok and you will lodge a formal complaint!” Ph’eel insisted.

“Over what?” Ko'San asked.

“Over the fact that I’ve been insulted. Lo'San has only just found out that his mate has left him, and I sought to offer him comfort. That criminal… the one the Cruestaci have claimed as their second prince, he threatened me! He chased me away from Lo'San! He had no right!” Ph’eel screeched again. “Everyone knows I should be standing with Lo'San as he recovers from his mate leaving him! It is my place!”

“She did not leave him. She was taken away from him, without her consent,” Ko'San shouted.

Ph’eel took a step back when he shouted at her. Her males did not speak to her in such a manner, else they risked being banished from her home, and from all proper society on Eschina. Gathering her courage, she raised her delicate pointed chin and looked down her nose at him. “You will not speak to me this way. I do not deserve, nor will I tolerate this treatment.”

Ko'San shook his head, and pressed his lips together tightly as he considered the amount of loathing he had for himself since allowing himself to become complicit in the kidnapping of his brother’s mate. “No, you don’t deserve treatment of this nature.”

“Exactly,” Ph’eel agreed.

“You deserve much worse,” Ko'San said as he stood, and stalked from the room.

“Wait! Where are you going?!” Ph’eel demanded. “Come back here this moment!” she called out, running after him.

“I’m going to find Lo'San. I’m going to tell him all that you and Mother have orchestrated,” he answered as he approached the door that would lead him into the exterior corridor.

“You can’t! You were the one to take her from the ship, you were the one to give her the fatal dose! You’ll be prosecuted! We all will be! Think what you do!” Ph’eel exclaimed, rushing toward Ko'San. “We have much to be thankful for. Our young ones need us. We will return home and all will be as it should be. We do not need Lo'San in our household,” Ph’eel said nervously, offering any argument she could to stop Ko'San from telling Lo'San what they’d done. “He’ll never know,” she insisted.

“I’ll know, Ph’eel. And I cannot live with myself knowing what I’ve done. Let the pieces fall where they may, I’m going to Lo'San,” Ko'San said, turning away from her.

Ph’eel grasped his forearms, gripping him as tightly as she could. “No! I will not allow it!”

“Unhand me, female!” Ko'San said, shoving her away from him. “Find some dignity and prepare to answer for your crimes.”

“I will banish you!”

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