Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,80

with Lo'San, then Rokai, then he handed the letter to Mee'ta.

Mee'ta looked down at the letter. “Oh, my. I’m so sorry, Lo'San. Why she’d ever think she was making you happier by leaving you is a question I’m afraid we’ll never have the answer to.”

Lo'San stood from the bed and faced his mother. “How do you know what the letter says, Mother?” he asked.

“Mee'ta…” Lau'San said sadly.

“It’s easy enough. I’ve been studying the Earth language since learning your female was of Earth,” Mee'ta explained, realizing she’d tipped her hand by knowing what the note said.

“How did you know what language of Earth to study?” Rokai asked. “There are many!”

“I do not like your tone,” Mee'ta said, daring in her arrogance to stand up to Rokai.

“I do not like you!” Rokai countered, taking a step toward her. “You will answer the question. Now!” Rokai insisted.

Mee’ta’s mind scrambled as she grasped at answers, then she smiled when it hit her. “After I spoke to Sink Lar via vid com I simply asked our communicator to provide me lessons in her home language. I find it difficult to understand when spoken, but much easier when written.”

Rokai watched her through suspicious eyes as he had to admit the possibility existed that she was telling the truth.

Chapter 21

Lo'San walked over to his mother and snatched the letter from her hands. He glared at her, then walked over to the storage unit where Synclare had kept her credit band. He rifled around the drawer for a moment, then slammed it shut.

“Her credit band is gone,” he commented.

“At least you know wherever she is, she is not without means,” Mee'ta said.

“Did she have her own credits?” Ph’eel asked.

“Yes,” Lo'San answered.

“Hopefully she left your credits untouched, then,” Ph’eel answered.

“The letter she left says she took some of his credits,” Mee'ta said.

“Without permission? How presumptuous!” Ph’eel exclaimed.

Lo'San turned to Ph’eel, looking at her with the resentment he felt at the fact that she was even here. “Do you think I give a damn about credits?” he snapped. “She can have every credit I’ll ever possess as long she is at my side!”

“Well, of course,” Ph’eel amended. “I didn’t mean it in a derogatory manner,” Ph’eel said.

“Everything you say is meant in a derogatory manner,” Lau'San commented. “Tell me how I can help, my son,” Lau'San added, turning to Lo'San.

“I have no idea where she could be. Missy says she’s not here, but surely she is. She could not have possibly made it off the ship without my knowledge,” Lo'San said, speaking his thoughts aloud.

“I believe she may have,” Rokai said.

“We shall know shortly. Ba Re’ is running a systems check,” Lo'San said.

“I don’t need a systems check,” Rokai answered. “I asked Missy where you were when you left your family’s quarters. Missy told me exactly where you were.”

“How?” Lo'San asked. “Who would have taken her from this ship knowing they’d answer for it? Where could she have gone?” Lo'San asked, his voice conveying the defeat he clearly felt.

“I’m here for you, Lo'San,” Ph’eel said, stepping toward Lo'San. “No matter the outcome, I will be here to help you through it, just like when we were children,” she said, reaching out to touch Lo'San as she approached.

Lo'San growled and moved away from her intended touch.

Rokai stepped in front of Ph’eel to stop her progression. “He doesn’t need your help,” Rokai said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Ph’eel stood frozen in place, terrified by the male she’d offended. “I only meant to…”

“I know what you meant!” Rokai yelled. “We all do! Leave us, Now!” Rokai demanded.

Ph’eel screeched and ran from the room.

“There is no reason to frighten my bond-daughter!” Mee'ta snapped. “Lo'San, surely you will not tolerate his treatment of Ph’eel.”

“I do not care about Ph’eel in the slightest,” Lo'San mumbled, lost in his thoughts.

Rokai turned toward Lo'San who wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening as his mind ticked off ways he may be able to find Sink Lar.

“Missy is not experiencing system failures. She is on line and operating as she should,” Rokai said confidently.

Lo'San met Rokai’s gaze, beginning to see beyond the shock of learning that Synclare was gone. “Missy?”

“Yes, General,” Missy responded.

“Where is Sink Lar?” he asked again.

“She is not aboard the ship, General,” Missy answered.

“Where exactly is she?” Rokai asked.

Missy didn’t answer for several moments as she searched her data banks for the answer. “I do not have that information, Elite Commander Rokai ahl.”

Lo'San snarled, and threw the letter to the floor. Then his head tilted

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