Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,79

to go back to Earth. I have nothing there, no one is waiting for me there,” she said.

The little man’s face registered confusion. “I thought General Lo'San advised that you wished to return to your home planet. We’ve been working to secure your papers that you might return there,” he explained.

Synclare shook her head. “I did not end my bond with General Lo'San. I did not ask to be returned to Earth. I do not want to go back there,” she said, the anger she was feeling beginning to outweigh the heartbreak.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, my dear. Clearly I must have misunderstood,” he said, trying to help her save face.

“No, I’m sure you understood perfectly well. General Lo'San lied to you. I did not ask to be returned to Earth,” she said emphatically.

Shocked speechless, Ambassador Karel searched for the right thing to say, diplomacy was always important in his career, but diplomacy was difficult to find in this particular situation. “I’m not quite sure what to say,” he finally admitted.

“Me either,” Synclare said quietly as she hugged her arms around herself and looked around the room.

“May I ask, did you ask General Lo'San to sedate you because you fear travel?” the Ambassador asked.

Synclare snapped her gaze to Ambassador Karel. “No! No I did not. I was medicated because I was ill. I was ill because I underwent medical treatments he was well aware of. He’s discarded me because I can’t give him children.”

The little man stepped forward and took one of her hands in both of his. “I’m so sorry, dear. There is no excuse for that behavior. Rest assured that we will work to get you to any location you prefer. Where do you wish to be?”

Synclare’s brows furrowed and the tears started again. “I don’t know,” she answered.

“You stated you wish to return to Command Warship 1,” the quieter of her two guards offered.

Synclare shook her head. “You were right. I can’t be there. I don’t know where to go,” she admitted.

“There is no rush, dear. You are welcome to stay here until you decide,” Ambassador Karel offered.


Rokai rushed into Lo’San’s quarters through the still open door. “Lo'San!” he called out.

“I’m here,” Lo'San said quietly from his bedroom.

Rokai walked toward the bedroom, and on entering found Lo'San standing beside the bed with a note in his hand.

“What is it?” Rokai asked.

Gradually, Lo’San’s gaze left the paper in his hand and met Rokai’s. “She has left me.”

“What?” Rokai asked. “She would not have left you. She was trying to have little, silver, squalling humans with you!”

Lo'San held out the note to Rokai. Rokai took it from him and began to read the words printed there. “This makes no sense, Lo'San. Did you tell her you wished to return to your family and mate with this Ph’eel?” he asked.

“No, I did not! I told her that as long as she was at my side it would be all I’d need! I never said I’d return to my planet. I never said I wanted Ph’eel.”

“Somewhere, she got the idea that you do. And she’s decided that you would rather have younglings with this female from your planet, than stay with her,” Rokai said.

Lo'San sat down on the bed and Rokai handed him the note again.

Lo'San read it again from the beginning to end.

“This can’t be right, Lo'San. I do not understand it; it makes no sense. Your female loves you. She would not have left,” Rokai said. “Rosie and I both saw it with our own eyes. And she waited long for you to claim her! She would not leave you.”

“Unless she was made to believe that I would be happier without her. She would leave me if she thought it was what I wanted.”

“I find even that hard to believe,” Rokai answered.

“It’s here in the letter. ‘I know Ph’eel can give you what I can’t. I’ve taken some of your credits to be able to provide for myself — I hope you don’t mind. I wish you every happiness’,” Lo'San said angrily.

“Lo'San! I’ve come to help you search for Sink Lar!” Lau'San said, hurrying into the bedroom having entered through the still open door.

“She’s gone,” Lo'San answered, handing the note to his father.

Lau'San looked down at the letter in his hand and saw nothing but scribbles and loops. “I can’t read this, my son. It’s not in a language we write on Eschina.”

“We’re here! We wish to help!” Mee'ta said, joining them with Ph’eel at her side.

Lau'San shared a look

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