Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,85

“They do not look happy to see us,” Rokai’s voice said clearly from his transport.

General Lo'San shook his head and heaved a sigh. “I do not care,” he grumbled in answer.

“Who’s stepping out first to see if they fire?” Rokai asked.

“I am,” Lo'San said, unstrapping his safety harness and standing to make his way to the exit.

“I am!” Rokai argued. “Lo'San!” Rokai said, his voice raised in volume when Lo'San didn't answer. “Lo'San! We step out together!”

“No. I’ll go first, then you follow — respectfully,” Lo'San said.

“I have a plan…” Rokai insisted.

“I don’t need a plan. I’m finding my female and we’re leaving,” Lo'San said.

“I don’t believe they’ll let you take her without a fight! Allow me to speak…”

“I will handle this, Rokai!” General Lo'San grumbled, cutting off whatever Rokai was planning to say.

Rokai didn’t say anymore, he simply grumbled under his breath about stubborn Generals and their lack of imagination when dealing with dignitaries, as he made his way to the exit of his cruiser and stood in wait with half of his Elite force behind him. The other half was onboard the other cruiser with General Lo'San.


The soldiers of the Consortium kept their weapons trained on the exit door of the first battle cruiser as it slowly raised to reveal its occupants. Once fully open, most of them recognized General Lo'San.

“I wish no battle! I am here only for my mate,” Lo'San said.

“With two battle cruisers?” an Ambassador said as he stepped from behind the small wall of military males.

“Upper level officers of the Cruestaci do not travel without forces,” Lo'San said simply, as he heard the exit door on Rokai’s cruiser lifting.

“You seemed to have no trouble coming with only your pilot little more than twenty-four Earth hours ago,” the male pointed out.

“I did not come to this station twenty-four Earth hours ago,” Lo'San said.

“I spoke to you myself! I know who I spoke with!” the Ambassador insisted.

“Do you, though?” Rokai asked from the exit of his battle cruiser. “Do you? General Lo'San has not left Cruestaci Warship 1. He has been present and accounted for at all times.”

“Then explain your arrival to relieve yourself of your female,” the Ambassador said. “I suppose you are going to try to tell me that you’ve been the victim of an impostor… someone has stolen your uniform, pretended to be you, stolen your female away from you, and deposited her here!” the Ambassador snarked.

“That is exactly what I’m telling you,” Lo'San said.

The Ambassador shook his head in disbelief. “Get back on your cruisers and leave this station at once. The female in question does not wish to interact with you. She’s requested shelter and our protection. We’ve granted it. Leave us.”

“No! I am not leaving without my mate!” Lo'San snarled and set foot on the catwalk leading from his cruiser to the dock floor of the station.

All weapons were readied, high-pitched whines could be heard at the same time dozens of clicking sounds rattled the air.

“The only reason we’ve not responded with force, General, is that we were ordered to deny permission to dock. If you insisted, we were to receive you, explain the situation, and ask you to leave willingly. That is exactly what we are doing. It is out of respect for your Sovereign and Sovereigna that this consideration is being given. Chairman Bartholomew is with them now and assures me that you bear no ill will toward the Consortium. Should we have reason to regret our actions, we are prepared to protect this station as necessary.”

“Your point?” Lo'San asked, frozen mid-step.

“Do not push me, General. You have entered a neutral governing territory with hostile intent. We would be well within our rights to blast you and your cruisers from our station.”

“Hostile? You think this is hostile?” Lo'San growled. “I can show you the difference between insistence and hostility.”

“Do you threaten us, General Lo'San?” the Ambassador asked.

“He does not!” Rokai said insistently. “What is your name?” he called out from the doorway of his own cruiser.

“I am Ambassador Karel,” the male answered.

“Ambassador Karel, of course. Once you represented yourself with the steadfast strength I’ve just witnessed, I had no doubt that you must surely be Ambassador Karel. I have heard much of your prowess and capability,” Rokai said.

Lo'San turned his head and looked at Rokai like he’d lost his mind. He knew full well Rokai had never heard of this male.

“And you are?” Karel asked.

“I am Prince Rokai ahl Tel Mo’ Kok of the Cruestaci. Reformed scoundrel and

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