The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,58

fared well.

The driver took a final left and Daniel saw the old structure of Heather’s house still standing. He laughed to himself as he imagined her staying put during the storm, protecting her house by magical means.

As the taxi stopped he pulled out some notes and paid the driver well. He watched the cab retreating, leaving him alone in the dark.

Turning to face the old house he saw little change - the paint was peeling a little more, but the building still looked sound. He saw warm light radiating from within, escaping through gaps in the thick curtains.

He felt the sizzle of magical power. A smile spread across his face as he realized his search would end here, it wouldn’t be long before he would be back with Sarah, and she would be in his arms.


Sarah continued to weep as her kids snuggled against her; they were wondering what was wrong with their Mommy. Sarah hugged them tightly but couldn’t form words to comfort them. She couldn’t think straight.

There was a body in her garden.

God, what if someone discovered it?

What was she supposed to do - dig a hole and bury it?

She cried harder. She could not do that. She couldn’t leave her kids alone. She couldn’t risk their safety. She felt unable to act. Or react. She was paralyzed by fear and guilt.

What else could she have done? He would have killed her, or raped her. Or both.

She thought about the darkness that had left the body when she had killed him, that had taken Sebastian’s form.

So it had been Sebastian all along. He had been possessing the poor boy and now she had killed him. He had just been an innocent, controlled by an evil he didn’t understand. Was there something else she could have done? Some way she could have saved him from Sebastian?

Sarah didn’t know. All she knew was she longed for Daniel’s return. She hoped he would find the information he was seeking, and fast, as he didn’t realize the danger they all were in.


Daniel walked up the steps to Heather’s porch. He knocked and waited impatiently; as no-one came hurrying to open the door. A couple of minutes ticked by before he tried again.

Still no-one answered.

Daniel started to get restless. He was sure she was in there, why wasn’t she answering?

Daniel got down on one knee and opened the letter box.

‘Heather, it’s me Daniel,’ He shouted in.

He heard feet moving towards the door and stepped back.

The door swung inwards, and there she stood. She looked older, her hair shot with grey and her skin papery.

‘Daniel!’ She greeted him with enthusiasm. ‘I thought you’d come back one day.’

She extended her arms in greeting and he stepped inside and embraced her warmly.

‘It’s good to see you again,’ he said.

Daniel looked about Heathers house. It was exactly the same as he remembered. He could have sworn the exact same candles were burning as when he had stepped in there over a decade before.

Daniel wanted to catch up with Heather, but he was worried about leaving Sarah alone for too long. He needed to get to the point.

‘I’m afraid I’m here on business though - I need your help,’ he said pleadingly.

‘How so?’ She asked, eyebrows raised in query.

‘I cast a spell to destroy a vampire, but I’m worried a residual trace of him may remain.’

Daniel filled her in on the spell he had performed to get rid of Sebastian, while she listened intently, her eyes concerned.

‘That’s a powerful spell - I’m impressed you managed it.’

Heather rose and walked into the kitchen. She filled a kettle and placed it on the hot stove. Daniel watched as she rummaged through the herbs and spices in one of her cupboards, bringing out a small selection.

‘I suspect that a trace of Sebastian does remain. It’s because he has been a vampire for hundreds of years; he has become tied to the Earth. There may not be anything you can do to defeat him for good.’

Daniel felt his heart plummet - was Sebastian going to be a problem forever?

‘But I do have an idea,’ she said quickly - sensing his turmoil. ‘There is a binding spell you could try. I could teach you.’

‘Please, Heather. I’m sorry to ask this of you, I didn’t want to bother you. I didn’t think I’d even be able to find you!’

Heather waved her hand, brushing aside his concerns.

She eyed him as she mixed a blend with boiling water - ‘This will help you gain the power Copyright 2016 - 2024