The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,59

you need without taking blood from humans. I sense you are filled with power already, that you have taken on the evil committed by Sebastian. I don’t want to add to your debt by increasing your reliance on blood. This should be enough.’

She passed him the steaming cup, which he brought to his lips and tasted, wincing.

Heather laughed. ‘It’s not meant to taste good, everyone would drink it!’

Daniel forced himself to down it. The second he did Heather filled his cup with wine and he downed that too. The taste still lingered, but had lessoned.

‘That was truly disgusting.’ As he said it he felt his body start to buzz as the herbs worked their magic. It wasn’t the same heady sense he gained while drinking blood, it was less substantial, and less enjoyable. The buzz escalated and he had to concentrate hard to stay focused on his surroundings.

‘Sit still, it will pass in a minute,’ she looked at him knowingly and winked.

He waited, not replying - hoping that what she said was true.

After what felt like far longer than a minute, the buzzing started to subside. He smiled at Heather and said, ‘Thankyou. That will also save me time. Now tell me, what should I do?’

‘First - what have you done with Sebastian’s ashes?’ She asked.

‘They are under my bed at the hotel up north. I was going to disperse them as I had a feeling it would stop him returning. Yet I haven’t had time and I wanted to talk to you first.’

‘Don’t throw them away - you need them for the spell. Although while they can be found there is a risk Sebastian could return. You sit here and meditate for an hour, focus on your power and visualize it increasing, strengthening,’ Heather said. She must have seen Daniel look apprehensive as she added, ‘Don’t worry - the tea will help you.’

Heather left Daniel alone to do as she had asked.


Sarah managed to pull herself together and feed her children. She made them beans and eggs on toast so they would eat without a fuss. She tried to laugh as Megan told her anecdotes from her day at school, filling her in on all the kiddy dramas. She pushed aside the memory of what had happened earlier. She pushed aside all thoughts of doing anything about it.

She read Megan and Bea a story about three pigs and tucked them up in their bedrooms, kissing them each goodnight.

After they were in bed she poured herself a large glass of red wine and put on a movie. Each sip she took made her feel more sleepy - she was exhausted by the emotions that consumed her.

Sarah looked up at the picture of her and Jo on the mantelpiece, his arms around her and the children. In the picture they were all smiles. It masked the difficulties they had actually experienced; his infidelity.

But she had also loved him. She let herself cry at his memory, she cried for herself and for her children, who didn’t yet realize what they had lost. She cried for his family and the life he had lost. She cried for herself and the ruin her life was in.

Finally she slept, still clothed, right there on the sofa, vivid dreams disturbing her slumber.


Sebastian waited outside the next house he came across - it was situated alone at the edge of the forest. A fire blazed within and smoke bellowed from the chimney into the cold night.

The house was large, and through his rage, he sensed eight warm bodies inside. He could hear clinking and drunken conversations - it sounded like they were having a party.

He decided he would stay there and wait - the first person who left the house would be his, and this time he would make good use of the body. He would not lose it in a fight.


Daniel was relieved when Heather returned and he could stop concentrating on his power, or ‘meditating’, as she had called it. He had done as she said, but it was as hard as he had thought it would be. He had tried to imagine his power increasing but it kept slipping away from him. He thought he had probably had some success - he was feeling vibrant with energy, but he suspected that was mainly the strangely magical tea.

Heather smiled ironically at him. Daniel thought she suspected his lack of luck in the meditating department. She was carrying a rounded metal jar with a cork stopper Copyright 2016 - 2024