The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,57

in for another minute sweetheart. Mommy has to check something.’

She sat Bea down at the bottom of the stairs, still crying, not wanting her to go.

Sarah walked out to see the body. She felt nausea engulf her again and this time she couldn’t control it. She vomited onto the grass, next to the body that was still there. The body that hadn’t burst into flames. The body that hadn’t been a vampire, but was human.

She had killed a human.

Sarah didn’t know what to do - Bea was screaming for her from within the house. She had to act quickly as she still had to get Megan. She dragged the body, fighting being sick again, around the side of her house and out of sight.

She would have to deal with it later.

She returned to Bea and again held her tight. She picked her up and went with her to the bathroom to clean herself up. She quickly washed out her mouth and brushed off her clothes, checking there were still more stakes in her jacket.

She had three left. She hoped she wouldn’t need them.

She would get Megan and then they would stay in until Daniel returned. She wouldn’t take Megan to school again until it was definitely safe. She would put up with the solitude, and the stress, and she would look after them at home.

She just hoped Daniel would be quick.

But what if he didn’t return at all?

Sarah bundled up Bea and left the house, quickly getting in the car and driving off. She picked up Megan without talking to anyone, and returned home in a rush.

When they were in, and Megan and Bea were playing with their toys, Sarah made sure every door and window were locked. When she was finally sure the house was secure; she let herself crumple to the floor. She gave in. Tears streamed down her face and sobs wracked her body.


Sebastian screamed as he retreated into the forest. He had achieved nothing. He didn’t know where Daniel was and he hadn’t got Sarah. She had kicked his butt and killed his body. What was she - a vampire now? Sebastian shrieked. He didn’t know and didn’t care what Sarah was, he was just furious she had killed him.

The power he had gained had dissipated as that body had died. He would have to start again, and kill more people this time. Gain more power.

The darkness in the woods simmered and broiled as Sebastian fumed and thought of death.


As Daniel stared out of the airplane window darkness fell. He saw city lights glittering ahead as the plane approached the urban sprawl of New Orleans. He heard a beep as the seat belt lights came on and a flight assistant announced their decent. Daniel fumbled with his belt and fastened it. Of course he wouldn’t need it but it would stop the flight attendant drawing attention to him.

He felt the plane start to descend and watched the city from above. He could see light reflecting off of the great river and the mass of lights penetrating the darkness from the lively centre. Streams of cars moved over elevated highways as people made their way home from work, and others went out to experience the night life of the city.

The lights petered off towards the outskirts. That was where he would need to head to start his search for Heather - the darker outer regions of New Orleans.

He braced himself as the plane landed, undid his belt and grabbed his bag from the overhead locker. As he disembarked the plane he was struck by the difference in the air from Canada - it was heavy and warm. To his enhanced senses it smelt strongly of dirt and pollution.

He entered the bright lights of the terminal and went through the security checks before heading for the under-cover taxi rank. The cabs were pulled up in a line and he joined the queue. He was traveling far lighter than the other passengers who were surrounded by cases of luggage and sleepy children.

When it was his turn he climbed in the back and the driver accelerated into the night. Daniel didn’t remember Heather’s actual address, so he instructed the taxi driver as he went - watching out for sights he recognized.

They wound their way through the hustle and bustle of evening traffic and sped over highways. As they entered the rougher outskirts he began to see damage from the floods that hadn’t been remedied. He hoped Heather’s house had Copyright 2016 - 2024