Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,151

what?” Medley presses.

I lift my eyes to hers. “That they don’t want me?” I say with a grimace.

Both of my sisters gasp. It might be comical if we weren’t discussing my love life. They both start immediately shaking their heads, talking at once that there’s zero chance of that. And as nice as that is to hear, I’m not hearing it from the right people.

“They’re crazy about you,” Medley assures me. “I could tell Toreon wanted you when we were in the dungeon. And that was when you had greasy hair and BO,” she adds seriously. “They’re probably just gettin’ to know you. Takin’ things slow. That’s what Flint and Alder did for me.”

“Yeah, babe. I seriously doubt they don’t want you,” Delta adds. “You and Vudu practically got it on like Donkey Kong in the cellar, remember?”

“That was the mating pull from giving him my blood,” I grumble.

Delta snaps in my face, making me jump a little. “That’s it!”

I frown. “What’s it?”

“Give them a little blood. Jump-start things,” she says with a mischievous glint in her gray eyes.

“Or, you know, maybe just talk to them before you go and slice into your arm,” Medley says, rolling her eyes.

I wrinkle my nose. “Honestly, the blood sounds better.”

Medley elbows me. “Oh, stop. Those three boys adore you. I’m sure they’re just feelin’ things out.”

“Yeah, well, I want them to feel me out,” I mumble, and Delta snickers. “I know I’m probably being way too sensitive about this, it’s just...I don’t know, it’s like I feel unsettled. Like I can’t unknot all this tension in me until I know my mate bonds are solid.”

My sisters listen to me, both of them giving me sympathetic looks. “This multiple mate thing is hard.”

“It is,” Medley says. “But you’re gonna be okay. This is gonna work out, I can feel it.”

“I have an idea,” Delta says, but when we both give her a look, she holds up her hands. “No blood this time, I promise. But I have it on good authority that there’s some very nice bedrooms upstairs, and we’re early.”

“Oh my gosh, I am not having sex in Taz’s house!” I say, partly horrified.

“First of all, this place is a fucking castle, so it’s not like he actually goes in any of those rooms. Second of all, why not? Go seduce your mates. Medley and I will stall for you.”

I bite on my bottom lip. “You really think I should?”


“Are you guys finishing up anytime soon?” Crux asks. “I’m hungry.”

Delta snorts, and the three of us drop our wings to turn back to our mates who have made their own huddle, although theirs is much bigger.

“So? What did you guys talk about?” Alder asks as he toys with the flower stuck behind his ear.

Jerif smirks. “I bet they talked about how big our—”

“Egos are,” Delta cuts in.

He scoffs. “Sure, Warrior Princess. If that’s what you wanna call it, I think it’s very fitting.”

She groans at his joke.

“What were y’all talkin’ about?” Medley asks as she goes to step between Flint and Alder. They tuck her between them, each of them wrapping an arm around her middle, and my heart pangs. I want that.

My eyes move over to my three mates where they’re standing across from me, and I find that they’re already looking at me.

“Yeah, were you talking about what great...personalities we have?” Delta quips. She gets a swat against her butt by one of Echo’s shadows that makes her laugh.

“No, actually, we were talking about the Guardians who died,” Rafferty says, the blue demon looking very debonair in his suit and slicked back hair that somehow complements his horns.

“Oh, right,” Medley says, our group instantly sobering. “I feel so bad that Morax got his followers to attack that portal. Those poor Guardians.”

“Has Luce found anyone to replace them yet?” Delta asks.

Rafferty hesitates for a moment but then shakes his head. “No. Not yet.”

When it’s silent for a beat, Crux speaks up. “So, can we go to dinner now? Because I really am hungry.”

Delta chuckles and shakes her head at her tanned surfer dude demon. “Alright, alright. Let’s go.” She stops before they can start walking out. “Oh, Sable, what was that you were asking me?”

I blink at her like a deer caught in headlights, because I know what she’s going to do. I try to shake my head and give her the don’t do it look, but she ignores me with a smile. “The bathroom, right? Yeah, this place is just so Copyright 2016 - 2024