Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,150

as I am. Delta is in a floor-length electric blue dress that makes her bright hair and wings pop even more, and her hair is parted down the side and swept over one shoulder. Medley is pretty in pink, with a knee-length dress and a sweetheart neckline that compliments her lilac-purple wings and hair that’s all gathered up in a high ponytail.

Once our squeeze sesh is over, we all pull apart slightly just to start shooting off rapid-fire questions and you look so gorgeous compliments at each other. I hear several chuckles around us, as well as our guys exchanging greetings of gruff heys and back slaps, but then we get interrupted by a stern throat clearing that demands our attention.

Delta looks over my shoulder. “Lanky! How’re you doing, you old asshole?” she greets, holding her arms out like she expects a hug from the demon.

He looks at her outstretched arms like he’s appalled. I giggle at the look he shoots her and the fact that it falls right off his face when Jerif growls at him. He quickly straightens up. “Your Sire is waiting.”

“We’re early, he can wait a little longer,” Delta replies with a wink. Lanky looks like he wants to argue, but with a quick glance at Jerif’s fiery eyes, he wisely turns on his heel and walks away.

With a happy hum, Delta turns and threads her arms through mine and Medley’s. “We need a little girl talk.”

Delta walks us a few feet away, and then the three of us lean together in a little huddle. “Wing circle,” she says, and then she flares her wings out. Medley and I catch on and quickly follow suit until all three pairs of our purple wings are flared out like our own little feathery clubhouse we can hide in.

“Really?” I hear Flint drawl. “What are y’all gonna be whispering about?”

“Yeah, why the secrecy?” Echo calls, and I can hear some of the guys start walking over to us.

Delta peeks her head out from between our wings with a glare. “Any of you take another step and we’ll go full Annuli on your asses and make a darkness dome right here in the entryway.”

The footsteps stop.

“You wouldn’t,” Ire challenges.

I roll my eyes. “We definitely would!” I call back.

“Yeah, don’t test us,” Medley says, though she’s smiling so widely I’m surprised her cheeks don’t ache.

We wait for a beat to make sure the guys don’t try to butt in, and then we hear them begin to talk amongst themselves. Delta re-enters our wing circle and grins in victory. “It’s a tough job keeping those hotties in line, but we’re owning this shit.”

“I agree,” Medley says.

“So,” Delta goes on as both my sisters’ eyes land on me. “How was your first week in Nihil with your new mates?”

“Oh, it was good. Nice to be out of a dungeon at least, and sleeping in an actual bed,” I say at a poor attempt at humor.

Delta winces a little, while Medley gives me an understanding smile. “And your mates? Y’all adjustin’ okay?” Medley asks.

“Yeah, how many times have they jumped your bones?” Delta says, wagging her brows up and down.

All of my earlier frustration comes boiling back up, and I let out a puff of air. “That’s the thing. They haven’t.”

Delta looks taken aback. “Really? Huh. I thought for sure you’d be bow-legged by the time you walked in here tonight.”

I reach over and pinch her on the arm, making her jump. “Ouch!” she hisses.

“Sorry,” I tell her, a little surprised at myself. “The pinch thing just happened.”

She rubs a hand over the red spot I left on her arm and shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. I tried giving Medley a noogie earlier. I think all of our repressed triplet angst is coming out. Anyway, back to what’s important. Are you guys just waiting? Taking things slow?”

“I mean, me and know. But that was the first night, and since then, nothing,” I confess, chewing on my bottom lip. “I know this is all quick, but I thought…” I let out a sigh. “I don’t know what I thought. I know Vudu and Toreon have a lot of adjusting. We all do. But I just worry.”

I blow out a breath. Maybe this is ridiculous. Maybe I’m being ridiculous. It’s only been a week. I should stop being so crazy about this and just let things happen when they want to happen. But then why do I feel like something is missing?

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