Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,152

big. I bet your mates can help you find it?”

Oh my God, I’m gonna kill her.

Toreon frowns. “You need to use the bathroom?”

“No,” I answer, just at the same time that Delta answers, “Yes.”

Our mates look between the two of us in utter bewilderment, and I briefly consider making a solo Annulus dome just so I can hide in embarrassment.

“I’m confused...who needs to go to the bathroom?” Flint asks with a frown.

“Sable,” Delta and Medley answer together.

Now I’m gonna kill both of them. I should’ve pinched Delta harder.

As if she senses my thoughts, Delta tugs on our connection, giving me a telepathic go seduce your sexy mates and stop being such a wuss shooing motion.

I give her a glare, not because I don’t want to do it, but because I’m terrified that they’ll reject me.

But, since Delta and Medley have basically shoved me onto the stage, I guess it’s time to sing.

“Umm, yeah,” I begin awkwardly, looking quickly between my mates. “I need to go. Pee, I mean.” My three mates look at me like a crazy person—and believe me, I know the look—but I soldier on because dammit, I want them. “But this place is huge. Lots of hallways and things. I was hoping you guys could umm, go with me? So I don’t get lost?”

“Of course,” Vudu says, as if I didn’t even need to ask. Knowing him, I don’t. His protective mode is on maximum strength.

Toreon watches me. “Would you like just Vudu, or…?”

“No!” I quickly blurt before I tamp it down because now I really am acting crazy. “I mean, if you all could come with me, I’d appreciate it. Besides, I’d like to go into the dining room together,” I add, hoping that I saved face. Unfortunately, the snicker I hear coming from one of my sister’s mates tells me that I’m not doing a very good job at stealth. “So, uhh, can you guys come with me?” I finish in a hurry.

Ire cocks his head, eyes narrowed on me like he’s trying to figure what I’m up to. Before he can say anything though, Wrath comes stomping through the entryway. “Ire, there you are,” she says, stopping in front of him. Instead of formal wear like the rest of us have on, Wrath is in full battle armor, her chest plate gleaming so much I could use it as a mirror.

“Matron,” Ire says in greeting.

“I need to discuss the third battalion with you. The Lieutenant Colonel has put in a request for a new position.”

Ire’s mouth thins in that way it does when he’s thinking, and then he looks over at me with regret. “Sorry, Snarls. I need to speak with my Matron.”

I have to swallow down the huge lump of disappointment. “It’s fine,” I say, waving him off.

Ire nods to me before he and his Matron walk toward the dining room, Wrath already talking animatedly about her army.

My sisters give me encouraging winks and smiles before they too start walking away. I turn to Vudu and Toreon, feeling nervous all over again when I find them standing beside me, waiting expectantly.

I nearly call the whole thing off right then and there, but then I realize I actually do have to pee.

I sigh. Operation Seduce has failed before I could even get it off the runway.


“Do you want to try the stairs?” Toreon asks, and I look where he’s indicating, noting the wide marble staircase at the back of the entryway.

“Yeah,” I say, my emotions warring inside of me. Part of me thinks I should just throw in the towel. I couldn’t get all three of my mates to come with me, so maybe this just isn’t meant to be. But the other part of me thinks, to hell with it. Two out of three isn’t so bad, right?

Together we walk up the steps, and the guys keep me between them, matching my climb. I’m going a little slowly since Lousen put me in heels, but at least they’re not so high that my ankles are wobbling.

When we get to the top, I glance left and right, but there are matching corridors all lined with closed doors, so it’s really a crapshoot. Shrugging my shoulders, I pick left and go with it. Together, the three of us just start opening doors as we make our way down the hall. The first few I open are bedrooms, but the fourth one is the jackpot. “Found it!” I call before I quickly go inside and do Copyright 2016 - 2024