Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,64

Tanner emphasizes. “At this point I’m going to need for you to admit I was right when all this shit started. She hasn’t changed at all. Go ahead. Say ‘Tanner was right’. I’ll wait.”

My jaw tics, and I roll my neck over my shoulders.

“It’s not that hard to say. Only four syllables.”

“Would you fuck off right now?”

He has a bad case of the chuckles, apparently, his lips pressed together as his shoulders shake, and he lifts his face to the sky.

I already know that the angrier I get at this moment, the funnier it will be to him, so I take a deep breath to stuff it in.

“Fine. You can say it to me later since I know you’re thinking it. What’s important now is how the hell do we get her back?”

Shane and the other guys come down the porch steps, most of them standing by Tanner and me as Shane circles the cars, his lips cracking into a grin.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’ve always admired Ivy. I swear this girl has no fucks to give.”

His eyes lift to look over the hood of the car at me.

“She took out all of the tires. Side punctures, too, so we can’t patch them. If it had just been one or two tires, we could have worked it out. But this will take some time with it being all four.”

My brows shoot up. “How much time?”

“All day if you want all the cars done. A few hours to have one up and running. It’ll go quicker if Priest is at the shop and can bring me what I need. I’ll give him a call.”

While he walks off to do that, Ezra steps up beside me.

“I can call Emily, if you want. Most likely, Ivy will be heading back in that direction.”

He’s right about that, but Emily won’t tell us anything. I spin to lock eyes with Sawyer.

“Call Dylan. Offer him whatever he wants to call us immediately when she gets there.”

Not that we can do much about it while we’re stranded here. Thankfully, I have another failsafe in place. One that will make finding her much easier.

My eyes survey the damage again, and I breathe out a heavy sigh.

That fucking bitch.

I cannot believe she - can believe it.

I just can’t believe she got away with it.

The thought of what this woman is capable of makes me smile.


Men are so damn easy.

Usually not Gabriel, though. I’ll admit that. But even he has certain male weaknesses that cause him to fall for the same shit other men have issues with.

Namely, the relationship topic. I knew the second I brought up the dreaded conversation, he would retreat and get annoyed so much that he stopped paying attention.

I think it’s an issue with the Y chromosome. Especially when it comes to alpha male assholes. Their dick is always ready and able to provide a good fuck, but their brain shuts down when a woman wants to get emotional. They scatter like roaches in the light every damn time, running off as fast as they can.

It was necessary, though.

I needed him distracted while I ran through the house gathering what I needed to escape this morning. I knew if he caught me looking for those clothes or going into the kitchen, he would follow me to see what I was up to.

Gabriel knows not to trust me even for a minute, which makes him smart in the long run.

But not smart enough.

Before setting off on what I needed to do, I set to work making sure he wouldn’t want to come anywhere near me.

Sadly, my plan worked better than expected, and even though I wasn’t serious about what I said, it makes me sad for him that he was so dead set against it.

Gabriel never had a girlfriend in high school, and from what Ava told me, he never had one in college either. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t playing. He is a guy, after all, but like the other guys, he’s expertly avoided becoming attached to anybody outside the Inferno.

While that would annoy most women and make them believe Gabriel is an assclown with a fear of commitment, I know his hesitancy to get close to someone is the truth he wants to hide about himself.

That’s why I brought up his emotional hang-ups when I asked to talk about something between us. It was a double-tap of objectionable topics, and he bought it, hook, line and sinker.

It gave me the Copyright 2016 - 2024