Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,65

opportunity to go through his wet pants that he’d taken off outside, his keys still in the pockets where he’d left them. And while going through his kitchen drawers after lying about stirring my ice, I’d snuck out a knife and took it up to my bedroom.

The next morning, I turned the shower on when the sun first came up, plugged the drain and let it run for over two hours. Doing so had been intentional, to cause a distraction, but also a slap back for everything Gabriel has done to me.

Watching out the window, I waited for the rest of the Inferno to arrive because I knew Gabriel had brought me to his house so that they all could corner me.

Laughing at his lie that Sawyer lived there, I climbed from the window that was conveniently located over a flat portion of the roof and made my way down as soon as the guys walked inside.

It didn’t take long to flatten their tires and haul ass in Gabriel’s car.

I’m now dedicating the way back to his place to memory. That information will come in handy at some point if he continues screwing with me.

Annoyed that I wouldn’t be able to take all of my bags with me, I’d rearranged the items last night and packed two with everything that was essential.

The question now is where do I go, and how do I stay off their radar once I get there?

My first stop has to be Emily’s since I left my purse and phone there last night after Gabriel tricked me into walking outside just so Sawyer could jump me.

Yes, I feel like a complete idiot for falling for that, especially after I’d done the same thing to Gabriel a little over a month ago, but I won’t fall for it twice.

From now on, I won’t let him get near me, and if the asshole manages to sneak up when I’m not paying attention (he has the insane ability to do that) then I’ll lock my feet in place and stay where other people can see me. It’s the only way to keep him from abducting me again.

As I make a right turn to take a bridge back toward the suburbs that are closer to the city, the Bluetooth rings in Gabriel’s car, my eyes snapping down to it in confusion.

I glance around the front seat and up on the dashboard, but I don’t see that he left his cell phone in the car.

Hitting the button on the steering wheel to answer the call, I say nothing, but wait to see how it’s even possible somebody is calling.

“Are you enjoying my car, love? I don’t recall giving you permission to take it for a test drive.”

His smooth voice pours through the speakers, and I know I’m talking to Fraud and not the real Gabriel.

It doesn’t mean I’m affected any differently. Everything about that silver tongue of his turns me on, and after last night, I now know its other talents. Thighs clenching as I drive, I smile sweetly even though he can’t see me.

“It’s quite nice, actually. Such a smooth ride, and the seats are insanely comfortable.”

He laughs. “I’m so glad. Although, after last night, I would have believed you’re more into rough rides than anything.”

Son of a bitch. The promise in his voice is enough to make my nipples hard.

“How are you calling me, Gabriel? There’s no phone in your car.”

“We all have our secrets, and if you’re planning on making any outgoing calls, it’s not possible.”

Damn it. That would have been convenient.

I don’t say anything, but his smooth voice rolls through the speakers again.

“Just so you know, I plan on spanking your ass for the mess you left in the house.”

“You’ll have to catch me first, and that will be a little difficult with so many flat tires.”

More laughter, the tone of it dark and haunting. I hate it when he’s like this, but secretly also love it.

“It won’t be too long before we see each other again. Tell Emily I say hello when you get there.”

I flip the lever for the turn indicator and hang a left.

“I’m not stupid enough to go back to her house.”

That’s exactly where I’m going, but I won’t stay long. I saw all of the Inferno boys at Gabe’s house before I left, so I know none of them can be waiting at Emily’s to grab me again.

“Ah, well I guessed you’d be racing there to get to your phone.”

Asshole. He knew Copyright 2016 - 2024