Fraud (Antihero Inferno #2) - Lily White Page 0,63


I haven’t taken the first step when Ezra’s low laughter catches my attention.

Turning to him, I notice he’s looking up, his lips stretching apart into a weird grin.

Following the path of his gaze, I glance up, and my eyes widen as my teeth clench together. Pain shoots down my jaw as the rest of the guys look up and burst out laughing.

“Oh, shit,” Shane says, his hand flying to his mouth in a failed fucking attempt to hide his smile. “Ivy is so dead.”

A drop of water leaks from the large wet spot on the ceiling, and I bolt from the room without bothering to wait for that drop to splash the floor.

I’m running up the stairs and down the hall to the guest bedrooms within seconds, the guys still laughing downstairs as I slam my hand down to find the door locked.

Ramming my shoulder against it, I break the frame to get in, my eyes shooting to an open window that I ignore as I storm through the room into the attached bathroom.

The shower is still running, but the drain is clogged with a t-shirt, a lake of water spreading out across the floor that’s seeping through at the baseboards to pool beneath the tile floor.

Stepping carefully across the floor so it doesn’t cave in, I turn the water off and move back into her room, looking at the window again and over to the bed.

My eyes shoot to her bags to see there are only fifteen of them.


Halfway down the stairs, my eyes meet Tanner’s, every muscle locked over my spine as I run past him toward the front door.

“She’s gone.”


“You heard me,” I growl as I rip the door open and run out onto the porch. Stopping in my tracks, my hands ball into fists to see the damage.

“This is exactly why she’s not allowed at my house. What the hell are you going to do now?”

I’m so angry I can’t think straight.

“I don’t know, Tanner. I was thinking I’d take a relaxing nap and maybe catch up on Netflix. After that I might get my hair and nails done and then check out a nice pole dancing class. It would do wonders for my abs. What the fuck do you think I’m going to do?”

He curses under his breath and follows me down to the driveway, the rest of the guys pouring out of the house to discover what we already know.

My car is gone, and the three they drove over are all sitting on flattened tires.

Tanner is dead silent beside me, our heads turning to lock eyes.

“I only have one thing to say about this.”

“What’s that?”

“She’s not allowed around my car either.”

“At least it’s not eggs,” I breathe out, my body flinching in place when I hear the muted sound of something crashing down in my house.

We all go silent for a brief second, my spine locked in place because I don’t want to rush back in to see what I already know.

From the doorway, Taylor calls out, “Think that was your ceiling caving in, Gabe.”

All the guys snort while trying to contain their laughter. My eye twitches, and I stare out at the forest because I need to step away from this before I choke one of them to death.

I’m going to kill Ivy when I get my hands on her next.

That and fuck her.

Obviously, not in that order, but definitely both.

It’s what I always want to do to her when she gets like this, only because her bullshit makes me hate her and respect her at the same time.

I love that she never bows to anybody.

That she never caves.

That she’ll sit there with a sweet smile on her face while fucking up your world without one shred of guilt for it.

It drives me insane that she can lie as well as me and make me forget that she’s never to be left alone or trusted.

When all is said and done, the most basic truth is that Ivy is a fraud as much as me.

I should have tied her to my damn bed and watched her all night. The only problem with that is I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands off her.

Fucking one time? That was us working out the hatred.

Fucking twice would have been pushing us too close to the truth of how we feel about each other. Especially after she brought the possibility of a relationship into the equation.

“I can’t believe she did this to you again. I mean...again,” Copyright 2016 - 2024