The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,80

massive body against the fireplace mantle and silently watched the exchange between the other two men.

“Ah.” Guthrie’s cat-like eyes latched onto Ida. “There you are.”

“Welcome back, Guthrie.” Ida moved toward Simon, determined to give him whatever support he needed. “I trust you and your wife had a lovely journey?”

“An excellent one to be sure,” Guthrie informed her jovially. He even smiled. “Now, gather whatever belongings you need so we can be on our way. I have to return home before—”

“I’m not coming with you.” As much as she valued Guthrie’s concern, it was time for her to fight for what she wanted. “I’m staying here. With Fielding.”

“No you bloody well aren’t.” The pleasantry Guthrie had shown toward her was gone. In its place was a hard glower. “I’ll not let you ruin yourself for him, Ida. You’re destined for better things than that.”

She grabbed Simon’s hand. “I’m a traitor’s daughter, and if that’s not enough, all of London thinks me a whore, so there is nothing better for me than where I am right now.”

A shadow crossed Guthrie’s eyes. He shifted his gaze to Simon. “I should have you flogged.”

“While I’m grateful to you for all you have done,” Ida said, “I am old enough now to choose my own fate.”

Guthrie scoffed. “And you think he will provide a happy one, do you? Ida, you’ll never be more than his mistress. He won’t marry you. Not ever. I’ve already asked him to do so and he has declined. Do you know what that means, luv?”

Ida clutched Simon’s hand as hard as she could to distract herself from her crumbling heart. She’d known he would never offer marriage, but it still hurt having the fact thrown in her face with cold brutality.

Refusing to be cowed, she straightened her spine. “It means he and I will be together for as long as we wish.”

“And in the eyes of the world, you will only ever be the woman who fills his bed until he finds another.”

Simon lunged forward so fast Ida didn’t realize he’d let go of her hand until she saw Guthrie rise and ward him off with one agile movement. He glared straight into Simon’s eyes. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Fielding. You’re more of a man than I gave you credit for. But that doesn’t mean you deserve her.”

“You’ve no right questioning what I deserve.”

“Marry her,” Guthrie insisted while Ida shrank back in embarrassment.

“I can’t,” Simon hissed.

And there it was, spoken out loud for her to hear. Something inside Ida shriveled and died in that moment – a distant hope she’d not even known she’d been holding onto.

“Coward,” Guthrie snapped. He pushed his way past Simon and stepped toward Ida. Sympathy overshadowed his angry expression. “Come with me now. Let me help you avenge your father.”

It was a good offer. Guthrie was not the sort of man who’d go back on his word. He would fight for her every step of the way, but so would Simon, and between the two, there was only one choice. Even if her heart was breaking and her head felt like it might explode with anger. “Thank you, but Fielding and I have been working together on this for some time now, and I really don’t think you’ll accomplish something we haven’t.”

Guthrie inhaled deeply. “MacNeil mentioned the assassin and according to the papers my butler has been collecting during my absence, there was also a fall at the Huntley ball. Whoever you’re after is dangerous, Ida, and while I am all too familiar with the need for revenge, I also know it can blind you. Perhaps it’s time to stop stirring things up and just—”

“What? Let someone get away with pinning a heinous crime on my father?” She couldn’t believe he of all people would suggest such a thing. “I’m not dropping this until the right man pays for what happened.”

“You’ve more grit than I recall, I’ll give you that.” He glanced at Simon. “You’d best be ready to lay down your life for her, Fielding, because if she so much as trips in the street from now on, I’ll come after you like the bloody devil himself.”

“Duly noted,” Simon muttered.

Guthrie sighed and scrubbed his hand over his jaw. “I don’t like it. The whole mess stinks of trouble beyond my control, but if you really want to remain here and see things through with Fielding, I don’t have the right to stop you. But I do think you’re being incredibly foolish.”

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