The Formidable Earl (Diamonds in the Rough #6) - Sophie Barnes Page 0,79

more. He pulled out a pocket watch, a small collection of coins, and a folded piece of paper.

Standing, he unfolded the paper, moved closer to the lamp light, and read, “Number Five Bedford Street.” Simon met Ida’s gaze. “The paper came from the Shadwell Gun Works. It bears the company address right there at the top. I don’t need to check it against the note we received from Murdoch to know it won’t match. This writing’s different, and judging from the messy scrawl, I’d say our villain wrote it so he would not forget the address.”

“So he worked there too?” Ida asked.

“That would be my guess.”

“I’ll go put some tea on,” Miranda said. “I believe we can all use a cup.”

Simon thanked her, waited until she was gone, and turned to Ida. “I have to inform Bow Street of the break in and of this man’s death. Will you be all right here by yourself for a while until I return?”

“Yes.” She dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’ll stay in the kitchen with Miranda.”

Simon nodded. “You should probably get dressed first. And so should I for that matter.”

“Of course.”

They returned upstairs together. After helping Ida button her gown, Simon put on his jacket and went to collect Ida’s pistol from her nightstand. “Promise me you will keep this with you at all times?”

“I promise.”

He held her gaze for a moment, then quickly kissed her.

“Good girl.” Grabbing an extra blanket from the wardrobe, he followed her downstairs where he unfolded the blanket and spread it over the dead man’s body so it covered his face. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Lock the door behind me.”

Once outside, Simon waited until he heard the lock click into place before heading down the street. He wanted the intruder gone from his house as soon as possible, and then he wanted to get back to the investigation so he could figure out who’d hired him.

Chapter Fifteen

It was dawn before the last constable left the house. Simon had brought four with him when he returned. The chief magistrate arrived later and went over everyone’s statement until Ida started losing her patience. She was relieved to have them all gone again so she and Simon could get back to bed.

“It’s a good thing I’m meeting with Mr. St. John the day after tomorrow,” Simon said when they were back in their bedchamber with the door locked. To Ida’s surprise, he’d sent for Blayne, who’d promised to stay downstairs and keep watch while they slept. “Hopefully, he will be able to identify the intruder and let me know if he’s ever seen Kirksdale, Elmwood, or my uncle conversing with him.”

They climbed into bed and Ida settled her head against Simon’s arm. It felt good being back together like this. “I’d like to go with you. To meet with Mr. St. John.”

“Do you doubt my investigative skills?” Rolling onto his side, he pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

“Of course not.” Ida said, “but two pairs of eyes and ears are better than one.”

“Quite right.” He placed another kiss on her cheek, so tender and warm it seeped all the way to the tips of her toes. “Try to sleep, my lovely sleuth.”

Ida closed her eyes with a smile and did precisely as he asked.

When she woke, Simon was gone. She glanced at the clock. Good heavens, it was almost four in the afternoon. After scrambling out of bed, she located a clean chemise and front lacing stays along with a pink dress she’d not worn before, then did her best to get dressed on her own. Finding the top buttons hard to reach, she went to the door and prepared to call for Miranda, only to stop at the sound of loud voices coming from the parlor.

Men’s voices.

With a frown, she grabbed a shawl and flung it over her shoulders to hide the gap at the back of her gown and proceeded downstairs. As she went, her stomach began to clench tighter and tighter because, dear God, she recognized not only Simon’s voice but Guthrie’s as well. The Duke of Windham had returned much sooner than she’d expected.

Hesitantly, because she was more inclined to flee than keep moving forward, she eased the parlor door open and entered the room. Guthrie reclined in one of the armchairs, looking much like a flamboyant king, while Simon stood, hands clenched, his entire body straining for action. Blayne, who completed the trio, had propped his Copyright 2016 - 2024