Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,80

denim shorts. ‘They’re early. We’re not expecting a supply drop for another two days.’

Connor looked at the gorgeous pair of legs on display and smiled. ‘They must’ve guessed we’d be running low on condoms.’


She still blushed prettily and he loved seeing the extra colour in her cheeks. As gorgeous as she was, he thought she’d be even more beautiful when her tummy rounded with their child. That would be a year or two away. They’d agreed to put a family on hold so they could focus on each other.

Their isolation from the rest of the world had been a blessing in disguise. Deep in the Canadian wilderness, these last six weeks had been the best of Connor’s life. It’d been precious time spend together and reinforced what he’d already known instinctively—that they were thoroughly compatible both in and out of bed.

Connor was in no doubt that Mia was the love of his life and he knew she loved him just as much in return.

He looked up again at the helicopter, expecting to see the crew preparing to hoist a parcel out, but there was none.

His tension ramped up.

Had Giovanni found them?

His blood chilled. ‘Mia. Go inside.’



The chopper got closer.

Still no sign of a parcel of provisions.

Connor pulled the axe back out of the stump and moved into the shadow of the cabin.


His grip was tight around the axe handle and only relaxed when he confirmed the markings on the chopper were the same as the FBI helicopter that’d dropped them off here. Still…

He looked around the corner and saw Mia just inside the doorway of the cabin. ‘They’re not dropping supplies. It looks like they’re going to land.’

Perhaps the trial had been moved forward?

‘Isn’t that Agent Roberts?’ Mia asked.

Connor looked closer. So it was.

This danger Mia was in was making him see possible threats in every situation. He had no idea how she’d lived like this for so long and he couldn’t wait for Giovanni’s court case to be over.

Placing the axe back on the stump, he motioned for Mia to join him. They stood together, buffeted by the wind from the rotor blades, waiting for the chopper to land in the cleared area.

‘Hi there!’ Carlisle said as the chopper’s engine shut down. He ran towards them with his body lowered to clear the still-slowing blades.

‘Hi yourself,’ Connor responded. ‘What brings you here?’ ‘Great news!’

Connor looked at Mia and saw the sudden tension in her shoulders at odds with the light of hope in her eyes. ‘Let’s have it, Carlisle.’

‘Giovanni’s father died, but not of natural causes. It was poison and the Lucetti family has fallen apart.’

‘What?’ Connor hardly dared to believe their troubles were over. ‘What happened?’

‘There was a huge shoot out with one side of the family blaming the other side, and most of them—including Giovanni and Correlli—were killed in the gun fight.’

‘But wasn’t Giovanni in custody awaiting trial?’

‘No.’ The agent shook his head. ‘He was granted bail—which we were vehemently opposed to, but it’s actually worked out in the end.’

‘Oh my God!’ Mia exclaimed as Connor hugged her to his side. ‘Is it true?’

‘You’re free, Mia,’ Carlisle told her with a broad grin. ‘No more looking over your shoulder. You’re free as a bird.’

‘Thank God.’ Connor felt Mia sway against him and guessed she was giddy with sheer relief because he felt the same light-headedness as he processed the news.

‘I don’t need any more protection?’ Mia asked breathlessly.

‘No,’ was Carlisle’s firm response. ‘You’re free to live your life wherever you want and however you want.’

‘I… I never thought I’d…’ Tears streamed down Mia’s cheeks and Connor lifted a finger to wipe them away. ‘I… can’t imagine it.’

‘Nobody will spare you a thought,’ Carlisle assured her. ‘Those who weren’t killed are in hiding—fearful they’ll be picked off by one of the other New York Mafia families who are trying to gain control of the Lucetti turf. Sully’s still alive, but he’ll spend the rest of his life as a guest of Her Majesty’s prison system after the attempt on your life.’

‘That’s such good news!’ Mia exclaimed again and threw herself into Connor’s arms as tears of relief rolled down her face.

It was an outcome even better than they could’ve hoped for but, as far as Connor was concerned, Mia would still have security.

Tony’s security people were watching over Gran already and would start acting as bodyguards for both Mia and him as soon as they got back to London. Stanley was right that Connor and Violet probably should’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024