Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,79

turned out for the best.’ Mia hastened to reassure her. ‘Giovanni is finally going to be arrested and I should be able to get on with my life.’

Connor smiled and put his arm around Mia. ‘We should be able to get on with our lives.’

Violet’s eyes lit up. ‘Really?’ She looked from one of them to the other. ‘Are you together?’

‘Yes!’ Mia got up and went to give Violet a gentle hug. ‘Thank you, Violet. You were right. You’ve led me right to my soul mate.’

‘Oh, wait until I tell Stanley! He gave me a real serve for interfering.’ Violet laughed then started to mist up. ‘Nothing else could possibly make me happier.’

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ Connor said. ‘But Stanley is right. You’ve got to stop meddling because things might not always work out so well.’

‘Well maybe there’s one thing that could make me happier, but I’m presuming that will take at least another nine months?’

‘Gran!’ Connor admonished.

‘Hopefully one day, Violet,’ Mia said.

‘Not so fast my darling,’ Connor warned before he turned his steel-blue gaze to Violet. ‘There’s one thing we need from you before we add to the Stewart family.’

Mia sat back and hid a smile. Violet was about to get a taste of her own medicine. ‘Anything, my darlings,’ Violet vowed.

‘The doctor has said you’re doing brilliantly.’

‘Because I am. You should know I can do anything when I set my mind to it, Connor, and hearing your news, I feel as though I can take on the world again and win.’ ‘What about the reins of the company?’ he asked.


‘I wouldn’t ask it of you if it wasn’t absolutely necessary, but the FBI wants Mia to disappear until Giovanni’s trial and I’m not letting her out of my sight. So, I need to take a leave of absence from the company for the duration.’

‘Oh.’ Violet tilted her head. ‘How long will you be away?’

‘Maybe eight months or maybe not quite as long. It depends on how the trial goes.’ Connor shrugged. ‘I could hand over to someone else, but do you think you’d be able to step back in as CEO during my absence? I could do the bulk of the work from afar and I may be able to make it back to London for any urgent issues—’

‘No, Connor,’ Mia said firmly. ‘You couldn’t come back. You could work on your computer—they can set up all sorts of encryption codes and re-routing so nobody can trace you—but you can’t physically come back to London in those months we have to be away. That’s not how witness protection works.’

‘Okay. Well, the point is, I can still guide the company, Gran. You wouldn’t have to carry a massive load, or work long days, but I’d need you to represent me at any important meetings.’

‘I can do that, no problem.’ Violet nodded. ‘In fact, I’d enjoy stepping back into the seat again for a short time.’

‘Thanks, Gran.’

‘I mightn’t be quite what I used to be, but —’

‘But nothing,’ Connor interrupted. ‘In the last week you’ve proven you still have formidable insight and can drive a bargain that’s impossible to refuse. I think you’ll do just fine and I did phone Dr Forrester on the drive over here.’

‘He gave it the seal of approval,’ Violet said, confidently.

‘He did. He called you an extraordinary patient, but you have to keep the office hours to a maximum of four a day.’

Violet beamed at them both. ‘I’m so glad I was right about you two. To think Mia was under your nose the entire time, young man, and you never bothered to look past her woeful exterior to the gem that lay beneath.’

‘Woeful exterior?’ Mia threw her hands up in the air. ‘Thanks very much.’

‘Don’t pay any attention to her, my darling,’ Connor said. ‘I love you and that’s all that matters!’

Mia laughed.

‘This definitely calls for a small sip of champagne!’ Violet pronounced, then whispered, ‘We won’t tell Dr Forrester.’

‘Gran, you’re incorrigible.’

‘And aren’t you glad I am? And you, Mia—your five dates turned out for the best, didn’t they?’

‘I haven’t had five dates with him yet,’ she answered. ‘But that’s okay. Now I have a lifetime of dates to look forward to.’


As soon as he heard the helicopter, Connor straightened up from his wood chopping and buried the blade of the axe in the chopping stump. Reaching for a towel, he wiped the sweat from his torso and put on his shirt.

Mia emerged from the log cabin wearing a cute pair of cut-off Copyright 2016 - 2024