Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,78

in their lifetime.’

And after the stress, more ecstasy than a lot of people know in their lifetime.

Mia cleared her throat. ‘Have you got any good news for us?’

‘I sure do. Sully started singing like a canary as soon as we showed him the evidence your mother armed us with, Mia.’

Thank you, Mum.

‘Do you think you’ll get enough on Giovanni to lock him up?’ Connor asked.

‘Enough for five lifetime sentences, I’d guess. Sully’s agreed to testify that Giovanni ordered today’s hit. He also admitted it was Correlli who took the shot at you outside the police station in New York, and he named two guys he thought would be prepared to recant their statements providing Giovanni’s alibi at the card game.’

‘So that, along with my testimony, should mean he’ll finally be convicted of Mum’s murder?’

‘I’m certain of it.’

Tears pricked at her eyes. It was going to be damned hard to go back to the States and rehash the details of her mother’s murder in a courtroom, but her mother deserved justice.

‘Hey, Mia.’ Carlisle’s voice was gruff. ‘I’m sorry I came down on you so hard about the necklace. While it did lead Giovanni to you, the jewellery box led to his downfall.’

‘Thanks to my mum and to Connor.’

‘Did Sully say that Correlli made the connection between the necklace and Mia?’ Connor asked.

‘Correlli mentioned he’d encountered a British woman and was certain he’d met her before but couldn’t think where. When he started talking about the Georgian necklace that also looked familiar, Giovanni asked him to describe it. It was Giovanni who made the connection. He asked Lou to describe you, and whether it was possible you could’ve been Elizabeth Buckley’s daughter. It was pure chance they worked it out.’

‘How safe is Mia now?’ Connor asked.

‘I believe Giovanni will go to prison even without her testimony. But I won’t be relaxing her bodyguards until Giovanni is safely behind bars.’

‘I still can’t believe he was in Venice,’ Mia said.

‘His old man is very ill and not expected to last out the next six months. Sully said they were in Italy to shore up some connections. Once old Don Lucetti is dead and Giovanni is behind bars, there’ll be an inevitable turf war. Giovanni will have so much trouble battling that war, Mia will be the last person he’s worried about.’

‘But you said he’d be in prison?’ Mia asked as she shot Connor a worried frown.

‘Yes,’ Carlisle said, ‘but the prison system is rife with corruption. He’ll bribe guards here and there and end up running the damned joint.’

Her stomach took a dive. ‘Are you telling me I won’t be safe unless I change my identity again?’

Connor put his arm around her as the agent said, ‘We’ve kept you safe this long, Mia. We’re not going to drop the ball now when we’re so close to scoring the home run. You don’t need to change your identity, but I do want you to disappear until the trial for—’

‘Oh no.’ She fought back tears.

‘—six months or so, tops. Hopefully sooner as it’s so high profile. We have a cabin up in the Canadian Rockies. We’d like to send you there.’

‘Can’t I—?’

‘I’m going too.’ Connor spoke right over her protest.

‘What?’ Mia’s jaw dropped.

‘I thought you’d say that,’ Carlisle said.

Was she the only one doing a double-take?

‘I’ll set things in motion and get back to you, but be ready,’ the agent continued. ‘We’ll probably move you both first thing tomorrow morning.’

Tomorrow? Mia shook her head. ‘But how can you possibly…? You can’t just disappear for six months, Connor.’

‘I’m way overdue a lengthy break.’


He placed his index finger gently against her lips. ‘Thanks, Carlisle. We’ll both be ready tomorrow.’

When Connor disconnected the call, Mia frowned at him. ‘I don’t know what to say. Can you truly walk away from the company for so long?’ Although each word was laden with uncertainty, she couldn’t keep the hopeful note out of her voice.

‘I can’t bear the thought of being separated from you for a week let alone half a year.’

Her happiness soared but… ‘What about the company?’

‘I have a plan. Let’s eat, and I’ll tell you about it.’


Two hours later, Mia was sitting with Connor in Violet’s small parlour having confessed all that’d happened in Venice and since their return. Both she and Connor were mindful to tell Violet the shocking news as gently as they could so as not to overwhelm her.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for placing you in such danger,’ Violet said, shakily.

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