Finding His Mate (Bare Bites #3) - Mila Crawford Page 0,18

I was wrong,” I blurted out. I figured it was better to say it straight up than try to sugar-coat it. Derek and I had never minced words our entire lives and I really didn’t see the point in doing that now. “I had a lot of shit in my head, a lot of garbage that I needed to work out. I wasn’t ready. Shit, I was probably not ready until I met Shayla.”

“You attacked my mate,” Derek said, his teeth gritted, his hands balled into fists, ready to take a punch if need be.

“I know.”

“I am not the one you owe an apology to. It’s her,” Derek said, turning to look at his mate and mine, their heads pressed together like they knew a secret, and laughter bubbling between them. “I am pretty sure she’s pretty forgiving.”

I nodded at Derek and walked over to Mia. To finally own up to what I had done.

Chapter 12


“You look great,” Mia said, pouring us both a cup of tea. She sat down beside me, taking a sip, her eyes watching her mate intensely.

“He’s not going to try to kill Brett is he?”

“I sure hope not. The last time they saw each other, things were rather intense,” she said, forcing a smile on her lips.

“That bad, huh?”

“Pretty much.” She nodded. I hated that she saw Brett as anything other than the wonderful man he was. The reality is that our past defines us, we don’t always mean for it to, but it’s there, the blueprint for the rest of our lives. Brett shouldn’t be defined like that, he should be known for who he was today.

“He’s a good man,” I said, not really sure of what else to say.

“I believe that. If you mated with him, I believe that.” Her words flooded me with relief and I let go the breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. “You wouldn’t just go off with anyone. You’re too special for that.”

“Thank you.” I whispered, the emotion of the situation finally hitting me.

“Does he want to come back?” She asked.

I wasn’t sure how to answer the question. Brett had been away from the pack for five years. Wandering alone, but he was not meant to be a lone wolf. He was strong and merciless, yes, but he was also caring and protective. He needed people in his life to love and protect. I was sure that he would tell me that he only needed me but I wasn’t sure if that was true. Too many people in the pack were valuable to him, even if he wouldn’t always admit it to himself.

“He won’t admit it. But I think so.”

“Do you want to live here?”

I thought about her question, not sure how to answer it. I loved my little corner of the world. I enjoyed living alone, secluded from everyone and everywhere. But I also loved my family, people like Mia and Aydin. I knew that I could be happy living among them, but Brett really couldn't be truly fulfilled away from them. At that moment I knew my answer was clear.

“Yes,” I answered, and Mia placed her hand on top of mine and gave it a squeeze.

“I’d love that. Let’s just hope those two over there can make amends.”

Right on cue, the two men--our two men--walked towards us. There were no smiles on their faces, or any sign that things had been smoothed over. Brett didn’t even look at me, he walked straight over to Mia, taking a seat beside her. Derek stood there behind Mia, looking like he was ready to pounce at any moment. His shoulders were broad and his chest puffed out, his eyes gold, proof that the Wolf was lingering, ready to protect his mate at any cost. I noticed that Brett was sitting in front of me, blocking me in case things went badly and he had to fight Derek. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't in the way, that he was the only one that could be fighting. Mia and I looked at each other, rolling our eyes, telling each other that we knew they were being full of testosterone and ridiculous.

“Mia, I owe you an apology. I am terribly sorry for the way I acted. I am ashamed of the things I said. I was wrong,” Brett said, taking a deep breath before he continued. I placed my hand on his shoulder. I wanted him to know I was there, with him, and no matter Copyright 2016 - 2024