Finding His Mate (Bare Bites #3) - Mila Crawford Page 0,17

knuckle tenderly. “I’m so very lucky that you’re my mate.”

“I know,” she said, a coy smile dancing on her pink, perfectly plump lips.

I stopped the car right outside Derek’s cabin. The lights were on and we could hear the soft music coming from inside.

“Maybe we should come back tomorrow. They look like they are having a romantic night in.”

“Oh no, Mister. We drove all this way and you’re not chickenin’ out now. Put on your big boy pants and let’s get this done.”

“Is this going to be my life from now on? You telling me what to do and not listening to me?” I asked, smiling at my mate.

“Only when you plan on being destructive,” she said, turning her body completely to face me. Her small hands came up to my face and she held me there, forcing me to stare into the warmth of her eyes. “You need to do this. You need the closure. You need this to forgive yourself and finally be able to be completely happy.”

“I’m happy. I have you. You make me blissfully happy.”

“Brett. I love you. I really do. You complete my life in ways I didn’t know needed completing. And I know I make you happy, because the mating bond completes us. But, baby, you need to make peace with your past and the man that you were. You cannot live your life without your family. They need to be a part of your life and you need to be a part of theirs.” I could see the pain laced in her eyes and I felt like a complete asshole. Here I was, being a chicken, when she would have done everything in her power to get her parents back. “If I could, I would walk through the fires of hell to get another moment with my parents. They had a great life and died peacefully but I still miss them every single day” she said, backing up what I already was thinking. “Family is everything, Brett. Especially for shfiters. You aren’t meant to be solitary. It’s not the natural order of things. You need them and they need you.” She dropped her hands and opened her car door swiftly and ran out, probably trying to make sure I followed.

Reluctantly, I got out of the driver’s side, walked round and grabbed her hand. I needed her touch during all this, I needed to know that no matter what, I had Shayla.

“You’ll always have me, and you’ll have them too. It’ll be ok,” she said as she squeezed my hand and I rang the doorbell.

The door burst open, Derek standing there, his jovial smile that was on his face a moment earlier completely wiped out and replaced by the staunch look of anger. He crossed his arms, and spread his legs, making his broad frame look as intimidating as he could, something we learned from his father as pups. Never let the enemy assume that you aren’t prepared to fight.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice low and cold.

“Who’s at the…” Mia said and stopped mid-sentence as she saw me standing there. Then she turned and looked at Shayla and smiled. “Shay?” She said, before barreling past Derek and throwing her arms around Shayla.

“Hey, Mia.” Shayla said sweetly and hugged her back. “It’s been forever.”

“Over five years. How have you been? I was so sorry to hear about your parents.”

“Thank you,” Shayla said, a smile on her face, but I could see the hurt and longing for her parents in her eyes.

“Come on in,” she said, before turning and finding Derek right in her path. “Derek, move aside.”

“She showed up with him. We aren’t just moving aside,” he said sternly.

“Derek, this is one of my dearest childhood friends. You will move and you will move right now,” Mia said, an edge in her tone.

I couldn't help but chuckle, which in turn turned Derek’s steely eyes at me.

“Did you forget how he acted about you when you came to the pack?”

“That was five years ago. A Lot can change in five years.” Mia turned and looked at me. “Right, Brett?” I nodded my head slowly, careful to not move too quickly and agitate Derek. “Derek, move and let them in.” Mia said sternly to her mate.

Reluctantly, Derek moved aside, letting us in. Mia still held onto Shayla’s hand as they padded into the kitchen. I turned to Derek, not really sure how I was going to say what I needed to say.

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