Finding His Mate (Bare Bites #3) - Mila Crawford Page 0,19

what I would be there beside him. Forever. “I was an ass. I had taken out something on you that had nothing to do with you. A few Bears had ruined my life and I became consumed with hating all Bear shifters. I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me. If you can’t, I understand. I am not sure if I deserve your forgiveness.”

The silence lingered in the air. Tension was so thick that I wasn’t sure if a knife could cut it. Derek’s eye’s still on Brett. Brett’s eyes on Mia, but his body still covering me from Derek’s view.

“I forgive you,” Mia finally said. “It takes a big person to admit what you just did. We all make mistakes. Besides, we are family.”

“You sure?” Derek asked, his eyes finally leaving Brett and landing on his wife. I could see his eyes softening as he looked at her. She turned her face up to him and smiled.

“I’m sure. He’s your best friend, you two were practically brothers, Derek. He made a mistake. Everyone deserves forgiveness.”

“Alright,” Derek said to Mia before turning to Brett. “If she forgives you, then I forgive you. Welcome home, brother.” He opened his arms and the two of them did that weird man hug, where they basically beat each other on the back with force.

“So, you coming home?” Derek finally asked the question that had been sitting heavy with me the last day or so.

“It’s nice to know it’s an option, but I need to talk to Shayla first.”

“We’d love to,” I blurted.

“You sure?” He asked, looking at me.

“Yes. I love you, Brett. I want to have a family with you one day and I would love for them to grow up surrounded by love.”

“I love you, Shay. You’re everything to me. I am so lucky that you’re mine.” He said, standing up and twirling me in the air. “I am not sure if I deserve you, but I am going to spend the rest of my life trying.”

Epilogue 1

Brett - six months later

“I need her,” I barked as I barreled my way through the small group standing outside the door.

“Brett…” Mia peeked through the small crack between the door and doorjamb.

“Mia, now.”

“Always the drama with you.”

“Ya gonna let me in?” I tugged at the tie that felt like it was suffocating me. She stepped out with a loving smile on her face. “Thanks,” I murmured, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Make it quick.” She patted my arm and then moved aside.

I opened the door and my eyes scanned the room, seeking out the other half of my heart.

“Babe,” I breathed as I took long strides to where she sat on a stool in front of a mirror. Makeup spread around a desk, hair shit and so many other things I had no idea about.

“Hi,” she muttered, her hands twisting together.

“Nervous, baby?” I pulled her up into my arms, wrapping her up, covering her with my body, shielding her from everything outside of our bubble.

“No. Yes.” She passed me a weak smile. “Are you sure you want to marry me?”

“Are you fucking kidding? I want to wake up to this smart mouth every morning for the rest of my life.” I grinned and placed a kiss on her lips. “I want you hogging my pillow every night. I want every Christmas with you. Every birthday. I want it all. You’re my mate. My forever. Mine.”

“And here I thought you just wanted me for the cooking and sexy time.” Her eyes swam with amusement.

My lips curved in a cocky smile. “You sure you want to marry me? I’m a demanding, controlling asshole.”

“Those things should scare me, but they don’t. Because you’re a demanding, controlling, lovable asshole.”

“Can we just skip to the wedding night already?” I groaned as I nuzzled my nose into the soft skin at her neck, inhaling her scent.

“And miss seeing you all handsome on the big day? Not a chance.” She threaded her fingers through my hair and soothed the nerves from my system.

“I’m ready to consummate this arrangement, like, yesterday,” I murmured against her skin.

She tugged on my tie and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Surprise, I think we’ve consummated a few times by now.”

I wasn’t nervous to marry her. On the contrary, it’d been six months and it was the soonest I could convince her to marry me.

“Come on, Brett!” Gavin banged on the door.

“Fuck, I guess they need me,” I muttered.

“Don’t act so grumpy. You’re the one Copyright 2016 - 2024