Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,92

get a ride home with someone.”


Michael lightly elbowed me in the ribs. “Look who’s at the next table. That’s convenient.”

I turned, trying to look as though I were simply admiring the decorations. A flash of bright red caught my eye, and I saw that it was Nell, wearing a skin-tight scarlet dress that stopped just short of her knees. Her dark hair was swept up and away from her face, and the effect was very striking. Amber and the rest of her friends were sitting at the table, too. Amber wore a rather modest dress in tawny shade, and she actually looked quite pretty, despite her evident uneasiness sitting among the most popular girls in the school at her first major dance.

I leaned toward Michael and murmured, “That’s good. We can keep our eye on them all night.”

He smiled. “That’s not going to give you an excuse to avoid dancing, you know.”

I shook my head. “That shows what you know. I actually love dancing. It was just the possibility of a fuss over it being my first big event that I didn’t want. I intend to dance and have fun all night.”

He laughed. “Okay, big talker, how about a dance right now?”

I was telling the truth, I did love to dance, but I really wasn’t ready to join the throng on the dance floor just yet. Before I could think of a good excuse, one walked right in the door. Anne, looking lovely in her strapless deep purple dress, hesitated a moment, looking around the room. At that very second, as though it had been perfectly orchestrated by the powers that be, Jim returned from the buffet and set his plate down. He followed my gaze and spotted Anne. I saw his mouth drop open, and he stood completely still for the span of several minutes.

Anne found us and began walking across the room, giving me a little wave and smile. Her steps only faltered when she saw Jim staring at her.

By now everyone at our table was watching this drama unfold. Anne seemed to have to force her legs forward until she was at our table. She tore her eyes from Jim’s and smiled just a bit too brightly at all of us.

“Hi, everyone! Sorry I’m late. Hair trouble, can you believe it? With my mother?”

Brea, followed by her dancing partner, returned just then and greeted Anne. “About time. But you look great, so it was worth it, I guess! Do you all know Alex?” She indicated the boy behind her, whom I recognized vaguely from my Trig class. We all nodded and mumbled greetings, and they both took seats. Everyone was sitting except for Anne and Jim, and I noted with satisfaction that the only two empty seats were next to each other. Anne took one, and Jim finally seemed to come out of his thrall and sit down next to her.

He ate silently and steadily, not taking part in any of the conversation that flew about the table over the music. Anne was flushed and animated, and she cast me an amused look when I caught her eye. I tried to send mental encouragement her way, wishing again that someone else could hear my thoughts.

Finally the music changed from the up-tempo fast songs to an older slow song that I recognized. I saw Anne lick her lips, take a deep breath, and turn to Jim.

“Would you like to dance?” she asked.

He gazed at her as though she had spoken a foreign language. “Me?” he said, incredulously. When she nodded, he looked stunned and then gestured to his plate. “But-but I’m eating.”

I thought for the space of a heartbeat that she was going to shrug and turn away from him. But instead she smiled at Jim, a full and understanding smile I’d rarely seen on her face.

“Jim,” she murmured, “I would really, really like it if you could dance with me now. Please?”

I had to smother a laugh at the expression on Jim’s face. He was a goner. She could have led him through fire at this point, and he would have followed without complaint. Slowly he rose and offered her his hand. They moved onto the dance floor, and I turned to Michael, beaming in triumph.

“See! I told you!”

“And about time, too,” Brea leaned over Alex to address me. “I don’t know how it happened, but I’m glad they finally both realize it. The two of them were really starting to bug me.”

“Then why didn’t you say

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