Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,93

something?” I asked her in surprise.

Brea lifted a shoulder. “Not my business. I might have had to, if Jim hadn’t made a move soon. Now I don’t have to worry. Come on, Alex, let’s dance.”

As they left the table, Michael rose, too. “Are you ready to eat?” I asked, looking up at him inquiringly.

He gave me an intimate smile that robbed me of my breath every time. “No, I’m ready to dance. Let’s get out there so I can show off the most gorgeous girl here.”

I made a face at him, but I got to my feet and took his hand. This part was nothing I had been dreading. Dancing in the arms of the most wonderful, handsome boy in town, if not in the world? I had no complaints.

Following two slow dances, the DJ played several fast songs. After the third one, I pulled Michael off the dance floor, fanning myself with my hand. “I can’t believe how warm it is in here!” I fairly shouted to be heard over the thrumming music.

Michael pulled me closer to him and bent his head over my ear.“Do you want something to drink? I can get us some sodas or water over there in the corner.”

I nodded. “Please. I’ll just sit right here.” I plopped down in the nearest empty chair. “Recovering.”

“Resting up for the next dance, you mean,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Just get me something to drink, please!” As he strolled off toward the refreshment table, I scanned the room quickly, looking toward Nell’s table. Even through the dark, I could make out Liza and Madeline sitting there along with a few other girls I didn’t recognize because they had their backs to me. But I could clearly see that neither Amber nor Nell were at the table. I looked at the dance floor, then all around the room. As far as I could see, there was no sign of Nell’s flaming red dress. I jumped out of my seat and met Michael on his way back to me, holding two bottles of water.

“Couldn’t wait? Just had to get back out to the dance floor?” he teased.

I shook my head. “Did you see Nell or Amber over there anywhere?”

His smile fading, Michael shook his head. “No. Why?”

“They’re not at their table, or anywhere I can see in here. I’m going to check the ladies room, and if they’re not there….” I met his eyes anxiously. “We’ve got to assume the worst.”

He didn’t hesitate. “Go check, I’ll make the rounds in here, just to make sure they’re not just hanging out in the shadows.”

The girls’ rest room was small, with a long line outside. I paused, considering the best way to find out who might be inside. Desperate times, I decided, called for extreme measures, so I stood in line, closed my eyes and relaxed my mind.

The murmur of minds coming from the line was the first thing I heard before I stretched out my parameters. Inside the bathroom itself, it sounded as though there were three people, including one at the sink. I winced as I tuned into their very private thoughts, but it was fairly simple to be sure that none of the girls were Nell or Amber.

As I turned to leave the line and find Michael, I nearly ran right into Casey. Her light red hair was gelled back away from her face, and the short green dress she wore made her look even more like an adorable pixie than usual. The look on her face as she stepped away from me was far from cute, though.

“Do you mind!” she exclaimed, annoyance dripping from her voice.

I didn’t have time for the niceties. “Casey, I didn’t see you. Sorry. Where is Nell?”

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows lifted in surprise and sardonic amusement. “Excuse me?”

“I don’t have time to explain right now. I just need to find her.”

Even as her mouth opened to stall me further, I shook my head in impatience and concentrated on listening to her, ignoring what she was saying out loud to me.

What is the deal with this freak? Like I would tell her anything about Nell. If I tell her Nell left, she’d probably rat her out to some teacher.

“Did she leave alone?” I interrupted Casey’s sarcastic reply to my last statement.

She looked at me, startled into honesty for once. “Yes. She was alone. She said she had to get something ready. I don’t know, Nell can be… cryptic sometimes. I just thought she was

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