Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,91

said. My heart melted.

We drove through the waning light toward King Hall, the building used for all official gatherings in town. Since the Harvest Moon Dance was given for the high school students by the town itself, it was held in what everyone referred to simply as the Hall. Outside, the palm trees were draped with small white lights, and people were walking along the sidewalk toward the front door.

“Are Anne and the others here yet?” I wondered aloud.

Michael turned into the already-crowded lot and looked for a spot. “I don’t know. I called Anne this afternoon, and she was acting really weird.”

I turned my face away so that he couldn’t see me smiling. “Really? That’s funny. Weird how?”

He parked the car and turned it off. “Weird in a girl way. Jumpy and kind of flustered. And you know exactly why. I can tell by the tone in your voice.”

I looked at him with eyebrows raised and as genuine a look of innocence as I could muster. “Me? Why would you say that?”

“Come on. ‘Fess up. I’ll find out sooner or later.”

I gave in quite easily. “I think Anne and Jim have feelings for each other, and I think tonight might be the time they finally admit it.”

“Are you serious?Jim and Anne?”

“I can’t believe you haven’t noticed.”

I could tell he was considering the whole idea for a minute. “He got really mad last year, during the whole time Anne was with Nick. He said it was just because he knew she was going to get hurt, and it turned out he was right. But you’re saying he was interested in her that whole time?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know about then, but he’s been looking at her with what my mom calls puppy dog eyes since I got here.”

Michael finally got out of the car and came around to open my door. “And Anne feels the same way?”

“I think she always liked Jim more than she realized, and now that she knows how he feels… it’ll all work out.” I held Michael’s hand as we walked toward the Hall.

“So just what part did you play in this whole situation?” I noted the suspicion in his voice.

“Not what you think. I didn’t invade anyone’s private thoughts at all. I just noticed how Jim looks at Anne. I admit I picked up some feelings, but I didn’t tell Anne that. I merely pointed out what anyone else might have. I used my observation skills, nothing else.”

“Hmph.” I don’t know what else Michael would have said, but we were in the doorway and heading into the main part of the building.

The decorating committee had done an admirable job of transforming what must have been a relatively non-descript hall into an autumnal scene. Faux trees lined the walls and brightly colored silk leaves were scattered on the floor here and there. The light was dim, and a large, yellow circle was hung on the far wall and spotlighted. I assumed that was supposed to be the titular harvest moon.

The music was loud and thumping. It pounded in my ears and heart and made me feel slightly dizzy as my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. At a table just ahead of us, I saw my English teacher, Mrs. Cook. She was collecting tickets and directing people to seats.

“Hello, hello, you two!” she exclaimed merrily, raising her voice over the level of the music. “Find a table here anywhere. The buffet is set up there on the far end of the dance floor—” she gestured with her arm, “—so help yourself. Drinks are in the corner on that end. Have a lovely time!”

I smiled at Mrs. Cook’s uncharacteristic giddiness. Michael led me toward a table where I spotted Dan, Cara and Craig. They greeted us effusively and Cara exclaimed over my dress. I returned the compliment. She was wearing a short, ruffled satin dress in a deep royal blue. It suited her, and I didn’t think that had escaped Dan’s notice.

“Where’s everyone else?” Michael asked when there was a pause in the music.

“Brea was out dancing with that junior who moons around her all the time. He finally got up the guts to ask her to dance. I don’t know where they are now.” Dan craned his neck to look around. “Jim is getting something to drink and Anne isn’t here yet.”

I frowned. “I thought she was driving over with Brea.”

“I guess she got held up, so her mom is dropping her off, then she’ll

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