Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,38

using his business card instead of his personal card? Does he get to charge personal expenses to his card as a perk for dating the boss' daughter?

I can't believe Aiden works for Celine's dad. I didn't find that out until I overheard Celine telling Bianca that at their initial meeting. Aiden never mentioned it. The night we had dinner, he talked all about his job but left that little detail out.

"You're all set," Tom says, handing us each a key. "Too bad your girlfriend couldn't join you," he says to Aiden. "But this one's not too bad for company." He looks over at me and winks.

"She's definitely not," Aiden says, smiling. "In fact, I'm looking forward to spending more time with her."

Why does he keep doing that? Making comments that sound like he's flirting with me? Or am I just imagining it?

"I'm going up to my room," I say to Aiden. "What time should we meet for dinner?"

"Maybe around six?"

"The restaurant's booked until seven," Tom says. "The leaf peepers made reservations months ago and they tend to eat early."

"Is seven okay?" Aiden asks me.

"Yeah, see you then." I turn and head to the stairs, noticing Aiden right behind me.

"I'm on the second floor too," he says.

We continue up the stairs and down the hall to my room.

"Looks like we're neighbors," Aiden says, opening the door next to mine.

"Guess so." I struggle with the key, unable to get it in the lock. Knowing Aiden is staying in the room next to mine is making me nervous. What if something happens? Wait—what am I saying? Nothing is going to happen. We're just friends.

"Let me help," Aiden says. As he takes the key from me our hands brush. We pause for just the briefest moment, but long enough for us to recognize there's somewhere there. Something neither of us is willing to acknowledge, at least not to each other, but it's definitely there. A feeling. A spark.

"Thank you," I say as he opens the door for me.

He hands me the key, then goes in his room.

Dropping my bag on the floor, I walk over to the bed and collapse on it, taking deep breaths as my heart returns to normal. Why does Aiden have this affect on me? And why can't I make it stop?

My phone rings and I check it before answering, hoping it's not my mom calling to tell me she's getting my room ready for me to move back. I could totally see her doing that. I love my mom, but I wish she'd support my decisions. I know she only wants me back there because she misses me, and I miss her too, but I need to have my own life.

It's Macie calling, not my mom. "Hey, Macie."

"Hey. Your mom just called. She told me you got community service."

"Yeah," I say with a sigh. "Forty hours."

"What are you going to do? Forty hours is a lot, especially when you don't live there."

"I'll have to do it on weekends, if they let me. I have to call and find out how it works."

"What about your job?"

"Bianca's going to have a fit when she finds out. She's already angry at me for missing two weekends of events. I guess I should've driven back tonight but I was so stressed about today I just wanted to relax when it was over. And it's so gorgeous here, Macie. I wish you could see it. The fall color is unlike anything you've ever seen. And this inn I'm staying at is so beautiful. I feel like I'm living in a postcard."

"Then just relax and enjoy it. Don't worry about work. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I will, but it might be too late."

"What do you mean?"

"Macie, I need to tell you something but I need you to promise not to tell anyone, especially my parents."

"What is it?"

"I didn't pay rent this month." I pause. "I didn't have the money."

"What about all that money you saved?"

"It's gone. I don't make enough at my job to cover my bills so I had to use my savings. And now I have to keep renting a car to drive up here for community service. If I have to stay overnight, I'll have hotel costs too. I'll have to charge it, but my credit card's almost maxed out."

"How much money do you need? I can send you some."

"Macie, you don't have money. You just bought a car. And you have a house payment."

She bought a house last year. It's

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