Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,37

got to my hotel." I pull in and park under a gorgeous, bright orange maple tree.

"You're spending the night?"

"It's too late to head back. It's already after three and I don't want to drive home in the dark. Besides, the inn owner offered me a free room so there's really no reason to race back to New York."

"Why would the inn not charge you?"

"The owners are really nice and they felt bad I had to come back for the court hearing. It's a beautiful inn, Mom. You'd love it," I say, gazing at it as I sit in the car. It's a two-story inn, white with black shutters. Wrapped around the front is a large porch with a swing and some Adirondack chairs. Colorful mums in hand-painted pots line the entrance, along with an assortment of orange and white pumpkins of different sizes. Red and orange maple trees surround the property and off in the distance you can see the mountains. It's like looking at a postcard.

"You'll have to send me a picture," my mom says.

"I will, although a picture can't really capture how beautiful it is here. The fall colors are amazing."

"Then maybe it's nice you'll be able to spend some time there."

"It would be if I didn't have to worry about work." I watch as Aiden's car pulls up beside me.

"It's too bad Macie couldn't be there. It's such a shame you girls didn't get your weekend together."

"Mom, I have to go," I say as Aiden gets out of his car. "Aiden is here."


"Aiden. The guy who also got ticketed for littering. He had court today too."

"Is he heading back to New York?"

"No, he's staying the night. We'll probably have dinner together."

"Didn't you say he has a girlfriend?"

"Yes. She was going to come with him but something came up."

"She doesn't mind you having dinner with him?" she asks in a tone that implies it's not right to have dinner with a man who isn't single.

"Mom, this isn't a date. It's just dinner." I open my door as Aiden approaches. "I have to go. Bye, Mom."

"How's Mom?" Aiden says as I get out of the car. The way he says it like he knows her makes me smile.

"She's fine. I told her what happened."

"And?" he asks, shutting the car door.

She told me to come home."

"Like to visit?" he asks as we walk to the inn.

"No. For good. She wants me to move back."


"Because I don't belong in the big city, according to her, and pretty much everyone else from my hometown."

"Why is it up to them to decide?" he asks as we go in the inn.

"It's not, but that doesn't stop them from telling me I should move back."

"It's just my opinion," he says, stopping at the check-in desk, "but I think you should stay."

I do too, but I don't know if I can. Last week when I asked Bianca about my promotion, she said it's on hold until I prove I can do the job. I thought I'd already proven that, but she said Beverly, the owner, wants me to handle an event on my own, without Bianca's help, before she'll promote me.

I wish she'd told me this sooner. I'd love to manage an event on my own. I did it all the time at my old job. I haven't at the new one because Bianca's such a control freak she hasn't let me. She keeps insisting I'm not ready.

Without that promotion I won't have money to keep living in New York. I did a budget last week and even if I never go out, and live on peanut butter sandwiches, I still won't have enough money to pay my bills.

"Look who's back," Tom says, coming out of the office to behind the counter. His kind smile instantly makes me feel better. I really love this place, and I love the owners. Tom and his wife remind me of the people back home. Maybe that's why I like it here so much.

"Hey, Tom," Aiden says, shaking his hand.

"Any news?" Tom asks, raising his bushy white brows.

"Not yet."

"News about what?" I ask.

Tom looks at Aiden, then shakes his head. "Nothing." He opens his check-in book. "Just one night?"

"Yes, but please, let me pay for it." I get out my wallet.

"Put that away," he scolds. "I told you it was on me, and I don't go back on my word. As for you," he says to Aiden. "Pay up."

Aiden laughs and hands him his corporate credit card. Why is he

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