Falling for Aiden - Allie Everhart Page 0,39

small, but adorable, and she has a yard out back with trees and a little flower garden. Her house payment is half of what I pay to rent my closet-sized apartment.

"I could send you a hundred dollars," she says. "Would that help?"

"I need a lot more than that, but thanks for offering."

"What about your parents?"

"You know I can't ask them. They'll just tell me to move home." I get up and walk to the window, looking out at the fall color. "I'll just have to figure something out."

"Is that guy there again?"

"Aiden? Yeah. He got off with a fine. Apparently a water bottle is a lot worse than paper when it comes to littering."

"Is he sticking around?"

"Yeah. His girlfriend decided not to come but he already had the room so he decided to stay. He's in the room next to mine."

"That's convenient," she says with a smile in her voice.

"Nothing's going to happen. He has a girlfriend."

"Who would rather stay home than go on a romantic weekend with her boyfriend. Doesn't sound like the best relationship."

"Maybe not, but it's none of my business. And besides, I'm dating his friend."

"You're still dating that guy? I thought you were going to break up with him."

"I was going to give it more time but now I'm thinking I just need to end it. I don't see it going anywhere."

"Oh, shoot, I'm late for a meeting. Can I call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Bye." I remain at the window, gazing out at the gorgeous scenery. The sun is out and there isn't a cloud in the sky. What am I doing inside on such a nice day?

I get my duffle bag and bring it to the bed. I take out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and change out of the dress I had on. I pull my hair up in a ponytail, put on a baseball cap, and head out of the room.

As I'm walking to the stairs, I stop and turn back. Should I invite Aiden to come along? He's probably busy. I'll just go alone. But maybe I should ask him where to go. He said there were hiking trails around here but he didn't say where.

Going back down the hall, I stop at his room. I lift my hand to knock, then pause, second-guessing my decision.

Why am I making such a big deal out of this? There's nothing wrong with asking him a question.

I knock a few times. "Aiden?"

He doesn't answer. He might've left, although I didn't hear his door open.

"Aiden?" I knock again.

The door swings open and Aiden's standing there with wet hair and a towel around his waist. He must've been in the shower.

"Oh, sorry," I say, trying not to stare at his muscular chest and the outline of his abs, but my eyes can't help but look. I've never been this close to a guy with a body like Aiden's. I've dated guys that are in good shape, but not like this, not with muscles you can actually see.

"Did you need something?" he asks in that tone that I swear is flirtatious.

"Um, yes." I force my eyes back up to his face. His mouth is turned up in a slight grin that I find incredibly sexy. "I just had a question."

"Go ahead," he says, leaning against the door frame.

"I'm going on a walk and I wanted to ask about the trails you went on. Last time you were here you said something about hiking trails?"

"You mean the ones we planned to go on together but then you ditched me?" he asks in a teasing tone.

"I didn't ditch you. I just had to leave. I had to get back to the city."

"I think you owe me a re-do."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we go together. Just let me get dressed." He closes the door, leaving me standing there confused and wondering what just happened.

Did he just invite himself to go with me? I don't mind if he tags along but I think his girlfriend would. Now I sound like my mother. Why am I being this way? I can take a walk with Aiden without it meaning anything.

We're just friends. Friends out taking a walk, at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Chapter Eleven


"What do you think?" I ask, standing next to Sophie as we look out at the colors that fill the landscape as far as the eye can see.

"It's amazing. I tried to describe it to my mom but couldn't. This is something you have to see to

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