Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,6

raised a brow, doing so as if silently daring me to dare to push him. Then he got even closer to me and pushed me instead,

“I believe this is where you show your thanks and respect to your Master’s generosity.” I swear I was close to growling back at him and he knew it as I gritted my teeth and said,

“Thank you, Master.” His grin was pure evil and that of a demonic sadist. I couldn’t help but ask myself where my Lucius had gone. The one who softly played with my hair until I fell asleep in his arms. The one who indulged my geeky and admittedly, often childish hobbies when playing with Lego and such. The man who made a fuss of my cooking and danced with me as though I was the only person in a room full of hundreds. The man who picked our song, one called ‘In case you didn’t know’ as a way to let me know just how much he cared about me. And the man who took care of me when I got drunk and playfully teased me about it in a sweet way the next morning. This man, the one who now looked lost to his demon, who had told me he loved me and called me his little Šemšā, his Khuba…

His little sun and his love.

Where had he gone?

“She still pleases me,” he muttered with that grin still in place as if talking to himself. I couldn’t help it, but his words made me close my eyes and turn my face away, making him grab my chin in a rough hold and warn,

“Although that can change, and you would do well remembering that!” he snapped before turning to the man at his side and telling him,

“Rape him of his memories,” Lucius ordered all the while still with his grip on my chin, making me flinch in his hold at the crude word he used, making me hate the sound of it coming from his lips. I swear, I was close to tasting bile, that, or blood from biting the inside of my cheek so hard. Something I did just to stop myself from doing something stupid like openly challenging him.

Then the second he let go of me, I couldn’t help but turn my face away, closing my eyes again. Something that thankfully, this time he gave me. However, I knew this was only because he had set his angry sights on someone else. The only grace this gave me was that I finally had some breathing space, even if it was only by him taking a step away from me. I just needed to think, and being so close to him like this, being dominated in this way was driving me closer and closer to panic. A useless emotion that I knew wouldn’t help me in the slightest right now.

So, I took a deep and calming breath before I braved a look to my side, doing so in time to see Lucius grant a silent order with a nod of his head. This was before the roars of pain started. I couldn’t help myself but look, doing so to find the back of the man I had assumed to be King now stood in front of him. He did so with two of the King’s personal red guards holding the demon between them, fighting to hold him still.

The jailor’s light grey skin now looked even paler, with his hard rock like flesh looking more like crumbling ash. Whatever Lucius’ high-ranking subject was doing to him, it looked to be nearly killing him. His hand was in front of the demon’s face, obviously with no contact needed other than the inch between them. The hand of what currently looked like a sorcerer, as I could just about see the streams of difference in the air, like when you see the haze of heat blurring the landscape ahead.

Whatever he was doing, the demon soon stopped roaring in pain, and became more like someone lured into a trance or zombie like state of mind. One controlled by a new puppet master, only instead of strings pulling at his limbs, they were pulling at his mind. This was obviously how the man was extracting that part of the demon’s memories and I had to wonder, was he stealing them completely or just accessing them?

My answer came shortly after but not before I witnessed a reaction I had not expected, as the moment the man

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