Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,7

broke contact with the demon, he burst out laughing. I had positioned myself to try and not make it too obvious that I was looking, able only to do so by the higher advantage on the raised throne area. One I had when glancing down over my shoulder at them.

“Well, your little Mortal can certainly be called resourceful if nothing else,” the man said still with humour lacing his words, and it didn’t take a genius to know where that humour came from, not considering how I had managed to survive the attack. Hell, even without a bedpan in hand to repeatedly hit over the head with, there were too many things to count about that fight that someone would have found funny when looking back.

The demon slumped forward, obviously unconscious for the moment and only prevented from being sprawled out across the floor by the two guards that still had hold of him. I felt Lucius’ eyes come back to me and he simply nodded to the floor, as a way to remind me where he wanted my gaze. Then he simply growled out another order, only this time, it wasn’t one aimed at me.

“Show me!” The snarl of his words had me doubting that Lucius would find what happened quite as amusing as his subject did. This thought had me sneaking another glance to see how it would work, and doing so just in time to see Lucius as he reached out and grabbed his subject behind the back of his neck. This brought him a stumbled step towards his King, and once secured in his rough hold, they both closed their eyes.

It was in this moment that a silent sigh of relief slipped through my lips, as for the first time it looked as if my Lucius was back in the same room as me. Well, even more so if it hadn’t been for the inky veins shadowing his features and the massive body of armour, of course. But there was just something about Lucius closing his eyes that gave him a more human quality. Almost a vulnerable side that was never seen when he was awake. Although, that was before Hell, as at the moment then the word vulnerable was the very last one I would have used to describe such a being.

No, Lucius right now was as hard as stone with, unfortunately, what looked to have a heart to match, and a sheer will that could bend iron. But whilst he was busy looking into the memories of what happened in the cell, I chanced a quick glance at Trice. I knew I shouldn’t, but in my weakness I couldn’t help but find his intense eyes staring back into my own. I also couldn’t help but wince when I saw the pain there, pain combined with a rage that was only just being kept in check. This was why I felt the need to do anything in my power to stop him making a grave mistake…emphasis on the word grave.

‘I’m okay,’ I said silently, mouthing the words I knew he could read from my lips when he frowned before turning his face away. He also added to this with a look of disappointment before closing his eyes as if he couldn’t stand to see me being treated this way…but if only he knew. Should I have told him the truth…should I have told him everything? Maybe now seeing this he would have understood it all a little better, or maybe it would have only made it worse. I didn’t know and the hopelessness I felt at the unknown was eating away at me. I just wanted it all to be over and to find Lucius alone so I could discover the truth of what my future held with him. But as for right now, well, it simply felt like I didn’t know him.

Not. At. All.

A sinister and dangerous growl was all I needed to warn me that it was over, and Lucius had seen all he had needed to. I knew this when my quick glance showed Lucius’ furious steps taking him directly down to the jailor. Then he grabbed him by his left horn, using it to lift his head up enough to swiftly knee him in the face. I quickly discovered this wasn’t effective enough to do damage but that it was only done as a means to wake him up. Clearly, Lucius wanted him conscious for this next part, but then it

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