Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,5

felt his bare thumb run the length of my neck where he must have purposely made his gauntleted glove seep back, doing so to allow for a gentler touch. Something that he didn’t know yet, but the hope this gesture gave me, felt like a lifeline.

“You’re hurt, my little Šemšā?” This was said so quietly I swear I almost questioned it even being real, or whether my mind had simply conjured it up for the sake of my sanity. At the same time realisation flickered in his gaze as if he had just remembered something and again anger quickly took its place. Because this was when the comfort of both his touch and his words, came crashing down the second he spoke again, as if masking the soft words spoken before it,

“WHO DARES TOUCH WHAT BELONGS TO ME!” Lucius suddenly roared after first looking up over my head, something easily achieved due to the added height of his demon form. The room beyond instantly stilled and not even the sound of breathing could be heard, which was testament alone to how much his people obviously feared him. I started to turn around so I could see the moment I heard footsteps approach, but Lucius quickly put a stop to this, as he grasped my side and snarled down at me,

“No, you will stay where you are and keep your eyes where I want them, at my feet.” I swallowed hard, hating receiving the harsh lash of his words. However, despite my bitter feelings, I did as I was told and continued to look down as I felt the man approach.

“As I said, the prison warden is awaiting your sentence, Šeš.” He answered Lucius and I wondered at the name he had used for him or if it had been a name at all. As for the man, well, I still didn’t know who he was, but at the very least, I recognised the voice as the one that I had believed was the King when first arriving here. The one who had wanted to see me executed.

Lucius growled at this and when I was certain he had turned his head I braved a glance up at the fake King. Which begged the question…who was he to Lucius? Was he some kind of stand in for Lucius for the time he spent topside? In fact, I was almost sure I had heard him mention how someone ruled in his place.

“BRING HIM TO ME!” Lucius roared suddenly, jerking me from my thoughts as the thunderous sound echoed throughout what could have been his entire kingdom. I could just imagine that the wave of fearful, demonic faces travelled much further than the ones in this room, as I wasn’t the only one holding myself ridgid. Because, like them, I knew precisely what was about to happen and well, I didn’t exactly relish the sight of an execution, despite the demon’s crimes against me.

The only commotion in the vast space came from the guards as they dragged in the prisoner at the ready, I had a feeling he was about to lose a lot more than the cock I had teased Trice in saying I had rid him of. I knew when Lucius growled low and menacing, that without looking he was being dragged closer. Of course, it was also obvious by the sound of the demon begging for his life, doing so now by trying to twist the story to his advantage.

“Lies, it’s all fucking lies! The bitch was trying to escape, wanting me to fuck her before she attacked me!” I sucked in a breath, raised my head up and opened my mouth about to defend myself when I felt pressure on my lips stopping me.

“You don’t have to speak…for his memories will speak the truth for him…and I warn you, my Pet…he’d better be fucking wrong,” Lucius warned on another growl. Then, even against his wishes, I couldn’t help but raise my head in defiance before I stated firmly,

“He is.” This was said despite the metal thumb against my lips. Lucius’ eyes sparked a brighter glow of crimson before he grabbed the back of my neck. Then he suddenly pulled my face closer to his own as he dipped his head, telling me from only an inch away,

“Then your reward will be that of an easier punishment,” he told me, and I opened my mouth to speak. But thankfully I stopped the bite of my reply just in time when he

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