Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,82

learn the system and the people, but my priority will be Rae. I’m helping her investigate, and I need to keep her safe.”

“When do you expect to complete your commitment to her?”

Liam shared a look with Rae. The question held nuances of meaning for him, and he suspected for her as well.

“I believe the investigation into Zoey’s disappearance is coming to a head,” she said. “We should know something soon.”

Liam had mixed feelings about that. From experience, he’d learned that pieces of the puzzle could make you feel like you were closing in but then lead you nowhere. He hoped for both their sakes that they found Zoey soon.

“Well, what do you say, Brad? I know it’s a lot to think about,” Liam said. “I wanted to find a way that we could make this work.”

A spark ignited in his eyes. “I think this is a brilliant idea. I want this man taken down. Who better to do that than you? If working security here helps you do it, all the better.” He leaned forward with a conspiratorial grin. “It would be almost like working undercover, wouldn’t it?”

Liam felt uncomfortable with Brad’s comment, but he kept his composure and nodded. “Maybe. So you’re okay with this?”

“Look, I was about to beg, okay? I thought I was going to lose you. I want you working here with me, Liam. This is a small price to pay.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Brad glanced at his watch. “Do you have time to get started this morning?”

Liam again looked to Rae, and she gave a nod. “Let’s do this,” he said.

Brad was all too happy to give them a guided tour of the resort. He beamed with pride, and Liam hoped his resort wasn’t involved in illegal activities like trafficking—drugs or human. Although those activities could happen without management’s knowledge, Liam wished they had a different lead to follow.

Brad escorted them to the business offices, glancing often at Rae. “So as head of security, you’ll be responsible for the entire security department. It’s like you’re the chief of police of the resort. You keep our people safe from fires, industrial hazards, and everything to do with keeping people secure twenty-four hours a day. Work with the local law enforcement on all investigations. We have state-of-the-art security cameras, radios, and technology. Everything you would need to go with a salaried position.”

Liam smiled. This was an opportunity for him to work in a pseudo law enforcement capacity, though it was completely different from his previous experiences. He was grateful to Brad for being so receptive to his needs. And to Rae for suggesting he simply be up front with Brad.

Rae cleared her throat. Brad’s smile beamed at her. He seemed to be interested in Rae. Liam had to refrain from acting possessive. Rae hadn’t signaled to Liam that she wanted that from him. Though they’d shared a kiss last night, she’d ended it and rushed away from him. That was for the best. The kiss had been a moment of weakness on both their parts.

He shoved thoughts of it away.

“I’ll need to protect Rae, and I need her to stick close.”

“What do you have in mind? You want her to work security with you? You’re both in training?”

“I think I could do more if I worked somewhere else in the resort.” Rae held Liam’s gaze. “The sooner we end this, the better. I’d still be close, Liam.”

She made a good point. “We can give it a try. If I don’t think it’s working, then you’re with me.”

“And Brad, you understand this is only temporary for me,” she said. “I’m not going to stay on, like Liam. I’m only here to search for my sister-in-law.”

“Did you work with Liam in the DEA?”

“Not exactly. I’m an investigative reporter.”

Brad hesitated as if he would ask her more. “Understood. For Liam, we’ll make this work. I’m sure we can find something for you to do. When Liam is filling out his paperwork, you can talk to our human resources manager, Natalie Ramirez.”


The tension eased from Liam’s shoulders. This had gone better than he’d expected.

“Then let’s get going,” Brad said. “I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know where you are, or at least stay in contact, so I’m able to get ahold of you if needed. Why don’t you fill out your paperwork today and stay as long as you like to get familiar with what’s going on.” Brad slapped Liam on the back. “I couldn’t be happier that we’re going Copyright 2016 - 2024