Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,81

ranch to drive the horse-drawn sleigh or take guests out for a hike in the woods. He would feel like he was failing someone somewhere else in the world who was suffering. This security position could fill the void for a while.

Where do I belong, God?

For now, his priority was helping Rae. He’d wanted to escape the shadowy world he’d left behind. But he found himself drawn back to it all over again, if only to shine a light.


10:35 a.m.

Saddleback Mountain Resort

Liam was moving through the revolving doors at the resort, Rae too, when his cell rang. He stood off to the side of the entrance to take the call. Rae stood with him and watched, fear still clinging to her features.

Sheriff Taggart. “We’ve identified the woman. I’m not releasing her identification until I’ve notified the family, but at least I can let you know she isn’t Zoey Burke.”

Liam released a breath. Though relief swelled inside, at the same time, his gut twisted. “I appreciate you letting me know. Do you have any idea what happened?”

“It’s too soon to say. I need to go.”

“Thanks again.” Liam ended the call.

Rae’s wide eyes pinned him. “What did he say?”

He tugged her over into a corner away from others.

“It isn’t Zoey,” he whispered.

She steepled her hands over her nose as she closed her eyes. He knew what she was thinking. As grateful as she was to hear the news, they couldn’t rejoice over that kind of loss. Someone had lost a daughter, a sister, maybe even a mother. He thought about embracing her, but then he spotted Brad.

“I see my friend. I need to catch him.” He waited until she opened her eyes and blew out a breath.

She nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Liam grabbed her hand and led her as he weaved his way through resort patrons and furniture until he was right behind his friend. “Brad.”

Brad turned around and his face brightened. “Liam, it’s great to see you. Since you didn’t reply to my text, I wasn’t expecting you.” He tucked his chin. “I hope you showing up here means what I think it means.”

Liam nodded with a half-smile. “Let’s talk first.”

His brows furrowed slightly as he angled his head. “Of course.” Brad’s gaze shifted to Rae. “And who’s this?”

“This is Rae Burke. She’s an old friend. I’d like her to join us, if that’s okay.”

Brad’s gaze lingered on Rae as he smiled. “Let’s find a booth and get coffee.”

Liam hoped he was doing the right thing in sharing about their investigation with Brad. This being the grand opening season of Saddleback, Brad might cut all ties with Liam because he didn’t want bad press. However, that might be the precise reason he would work with Liam—to prevent the possibility of illegal activities. Still, Brad wouldn’t be happy to hear the news, so Liam would leave out their investigation into Astor specifically.

After coffee arrived, Brad clasped his hands and waited.

Liam blew out a breath. “Where do I begin?”

“Liam, it’s me. We’re friends. Just say what’s on your mind.”

“First, I’m very interested in the position. I want you to know that. But Rae has hired me to work with her on a time-sensitive investigation.”

Brad’s gaze remained intense. “I see. To tell you the truth, I really need someone in place within the next couple of days. I was hoping I could impress the investors by having you in place as head of security.”

“And you still can, Brad. But let me tell you everything. Understand this information involves an active police investigation, so please don’t repeat this to anyone, even someone you believe you can trust.”

Brad nodded and managed to slip in a wink at Rae.


“Rae’s sister-in-law is missing, and we’ve been doing everything we can to find her. In the meantime, someone has targeted Rae, stolen her laptop, and run her off a ski slope.” Liam believed the same man had also pushed his truck off a cliff.

“Wait—you mean here at Saddleback?”

Liam realized they’d never reported that incident to security here. “The ski slope incident, yes.”

Anger flashed in Brad’s eyes. “And the sheriff’s department knows?”

“They know, and we’re working together.”

He hung his head and shook it.

“I know you don’t need this happening during your grand opening,” Liam said. “But I have an idea.”

When Brad lifted his face, he appeared distraught. “Let’s hear it.”

“Working as head of security would give me access so I could find the culprit. I could start working for you—but it would be a soft start, if you will. I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024