Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,83

to be working together.”

Liam smiled at his friend.

Brad grabbed Rae’s hand and held on to it longer than necessary. “It was so nice to meet you.”

Enough already. It was time to let Brad know how Liam really felt, despite his better judgement. He took Rae’s hand from Brad’s grip and weaved his fingers with hers, then gave Brad a look.

Brad laughed. “I see how it is.”

But Rae also gave Liam a look, one that stabbed him.


1:17 p.m.

While Liam was with Brad getting to know the resort security systems and protocols, Rae sat out in the hallway in a plush chair next to a bushy plant. Liam claimed he was protecting her when he led Brad to believe they were together. All well and good, but she didn’t want to pretend they were together, even for this “undercover” work. Ridiculous though it was, the thought hurt too much. Would that mean kisses that weren’t real? What about last night? He hadn’t exactly kissed her first. Instead, he’d leaned in close enough that she knew he wanted to kiss her. He’d ultimately left the decision up to her. And what had she done? She’d closed the distance. For a few sweet moments, she’d kissed him, and she hadn’t held back. Not one iota. She hadn’t had the strength to resist him. For a split second, she closed her eyes and remembered the sensations—heart-pounding, dangerous sensations.

Even now at the memory, her heart thumped erratically.

She couldn’t do this.

Not now. Not . . . ever . . .

Though it was a struggle, Rae forced the memories and emotions from her mind. Then she opened her eyes and looked at the employment paperwork she was required to fill out, though the arrangement was only temporary—for her, at least. All it had taken was a word from Brad. She concentrated on finishing. She would be a “floater” until Natalie decided where she would best fit.

Were they going about this all wrong?

Her reporter instincts were working like a broken compass and spinning in all directions. She had no gut feeling for this course.

God, I need a direction in this. It seemed like every possible lead she chased down gave her very little return on her investment.

Maybe Zoey’s disappearance had nothing at all to do with the trail they were following.

Instead, Rae’s being here had somehow caught the wrong attention. Astor and Fox could be connected. If they could just track down the Hummer driver or whoever stole her laptop or knocked her off that slope, they would get some answers. So in that way, Liam was onto something. Hanging out here at the resort and actually working could let them see who was coming and going.

Rae’s cell rang. Her heart jumped, and she answered. “Hi, Alan.”

“A package arrived yesterday. I searched through Zoey’s things and found other similar packages. I think she has a stalker—obviously this stalker isn’t Simon.”

“What?” Oh my . . . “Did you tell the police?”

“I will tell them. I thought you should know. Be careful, Rae.”

“Give me details. Tell me about the package.”

“It was one of those tan book mailers. Inside was a used paperback thriller novel.”

Rae scrunched her face. “How is that from a stalker?”

“She had a stash of these books in her room in college.”

“I think I remember, but I’m still not sure it means anything.”

“Think about it, Rae. She got rid of those books. Why has she suddenly been receiving one a week for the last month? And get this, they’re coming from Wyoming. The last book was mailed the day she disappeared.”

Rae sat up. So someone from Zoey’s past had kept up with her? “This person didn’t know she was missing when the book was mailed.”

“Maybe it was the guy the video captured her leaving with. Maybe she confronted him. He’d already mailed the book before they decided to meet. The detectives are trying to identify him.”

“Why don’t you tell the police?”

“I want to do some research first. The books could be nothing at all. I don’t know what to think, Rae. I’m so desperate, I could be grasping at straws.”

Rae understood that sentiment. She felt the same way. She had an idea though. “Okay. Let me know if you find anything else that can help. I need to go. I’ll be in touch.”

Wyoming, huh? Samara Davidson had tried to call Rae, but she’d been distracted with all that had happened. She could ask her about Zoey and those thriller novels she’d had in college. Did they mean anything? Copyright 2016 - 2024