Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,21

by later. He’s got surveillance video from the Erotic Bean.”

Red perched his elbows on the desktop. “That new coffeehouse on Orange Avenue?”

“That’s the one. Dixie Hammond owns the shop. If Nina and Cricket aren’t busy with base business, I’d like them to help Ditz with the video. The guy left a note in Dixie’s shop yesterday. If we can identify who we’re dealing with, I can stop him.”

Red nodded. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Thanks, Red. Business as usual around here. I’ll get a bead on this guy and convince him to lay off.”

The captain’s phone rang. “I’m not throwing in the towel until the thirtieth of June. Let me know if I can do anything.”

A jingle alerted Josh to an incoming text. Entering his password, he saw the text from Dixie.

He’s at it again.


He left a note sticking out of a book.

Josh dialed her number. “What did it say?” he asked when Dixie answered.

“Sabrina found it sticking out of a book in the non-fiction section.”

His temper churned like a tornado. “Are you hedging for a reason?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Where are you?”

“In my office.”

She obviously didn’t want to tell him what was on the note. “Put the note in a clean plastic bag and give it to Ditz when he comes to get the surveillance video. Make sure you include the video from this morning.” The guy had balls, but maybe he’d just tightened the noose around his own nutsack. “The video from this morning is a smaller window to investigate. Is the shop busy?”

“As always. Numerous customers.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’s going to take a little time, but this will end.”

She sighed. “You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

“In more ways than one.” He grinned, then realized he’d called her sweetheart again. It just kept slipping out.

The line was quiet for a moment. “I’ll wait until Ditz comes, then I’ll head to the police department.”

“I’m meeting Lt. Manchester at eight-thirty. I’ll pick you up later and we’ll go together.” Josh sat in his office chair and signed into his computer. When she didn’t respond, he prodded, “Agreed?”

“I can handle this myself. Not like I haven’t had practice and can tell you step by step what will happen at the police station.”

“I’ve got a method to my madness, Dix. NCIS will pass the case to the local PD. Coming from the agency will lend more support.”

“I suppose that makes sense.”

He chuckled. “When have I never made sense?” She snorted. And he knew exactly what she would say. “Don’t answer that. I’ll see ya soon.”

As teenagers they used to talk on the phone twenty times a day if they weren’t together. A few women he’d dated had texting down to a science. He didn’t have time for love texts, nor did he want to play the game with gals he’d been straightforward with about not getting into a long-term relationship. But with Dix, the rules changed. A definite sign he should tread carefully.

Josh glanced at the window that faced Glorietta Bay. Another warm day and calm seas. A knock on the door made him swivel.

What the fuck! Admiral Thane Austen leaned in. Red rose to his feet.

“I gotta go, sweetheart. SEAL royalty just walked in the door.”

Ghost gave him the middle finger before he and Red greeted each other.

“Okay, see ya soon, Hung…”

His heart slammed to a halt.

Dixie quickly said, “I’ll see ya later.” And she hung up.

Holy shit! She’d almost uttered the nickname she used to tease him with. A little twist to his last name—Hungster instead of Hunter. Although Dixie carried a lot of weight on her shoulders, the gal who used to be a mix of sweet and naughty might be dormant, but not gone.

She used to rile the shit out of him when they were on the phone.

Her parents wouldn’t buy her a cell, so he did. Neither of them knew what phone sex was back then, but they’d invented their own brand. Dix would lay in bed and whisper she was wet and aching. With hormones shooting through his system at the time, it definitely had an effect. Their exchanges got hot and heavy fast when he gave as good he got.

He couldn’t help but grin at the memory while staring down at his desk.

“Looks like he’s lost in thought,” Ghost said, attracting his attention.

Red laughed. “That look reminds me of another commander who sat in this office.”

Josh tossed his cell on the desk. “What the fuck are you doing here? Surprise inspection?”

Ghost grinned then broke into a laugh. “Screw

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