Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,20

squirm. “Unless you want to sleep with me.”

She had her back to him while standing at the sink, and her shoulders straightened. “Get real, sailor.”

He chuckled and added some jam to his toast. After washing down breakfast with two cups of coffee, he searched the house and the yard. No new notes.

Within the hour, they were in his truck and headed for Coronado. When he pulled up in front of the Erotic Bean, he said, “Maybe I should come in with you.”

She shook her head. “I have an alarm system, Josh. If someone broke in, I’d know about it.”

“Any sign of trouble, you call me.”

Dix narrowed an eye at him. “That sounds like an order.”

He grinned. “Aren’t you going to kiss me goodbye?”

“In your dreams, SEAL,” she said before jumping out.

Ten minutes past zero seven-hundred hours, Josh walked into his office at Base Command.

“Morning, Red.”

Captain Redding lifted his gaze from the paperwork on his desk. “Morning, son. Before you take a seat.” He pointed to the visitor’s chair in front of his desk.

“What’s up?”

The old warrior folded his hands and his features slipped into a melancholy expression. “Cricket and Lt. Bach invited Lydia and me to their Memorial Day housewarming party.”

Josh waited for the punchline.

“It’s time,” Red stated. “I’ve had a good run. Worked with exemplary men and lived to tell the tale. I’m retiring. And—I’m going to announce it at the party.”

“That’s good news, Red. But I can see on your face you’d rather stay here than take up golf as a hobby.”

“Always hated golf,” he grumbled. “Stats say guys like me kick the bucket soon after retirement.”

Josh chuckled. “Doubt that’s the case, but it’s time to give Lydia and the grandkids more of your time. You won’t regret it. Wish I had a comparison for you, but my family are ranchers. They retire when they drop dead in the back forty.”

Red sighed. “Can’t lie and say I won’t miss being part of the action, even though I’ve sat at this desk for years. I’m an old war horse but it’s time I pulled the pin.”

“Admiral Timmons know?” Josh asked.

Red sipped from a stained coffee mug with a picture of Snow White on the side. Apparently, a present from Kayla, Admiral Austin’s wife.

“He does. Notified him yesterday.”

Glancing to his left, the captain watched the comm room staffed with Nina Callahan and Rayne Levy. Everyone called Miss Levy, Cricket. Nina had a team name as well, but only Tony Bale, a BUD/S instructor who’d ended his active duty with Alpha Squad a while ago, called her Ninja Girl.

Josh sympathized with Red. Leaving the SEALs wasn’t like quitting a job at McDonalds. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy retirement.”

“My wife says the same thing.” He sighed. “You were the right man to take operational command of the west coast teams. Wasn’t easy filling Ghost’s boots.” Red put his attention back on Josh. “You’re a lot like him.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Josh and the captain had never worked together out in the field, but his predecessor had. In twelve years, Josh had completed nine deployments. Like Thane Austen, he continued to deploy with his men. They’d be leaving in August. Which reminded him that he didn’t have much time to find Dixie’s stalker. “I’ve got a meeting with NCIS today at ten.”

Red’s brow arched. “Something I need to know?”

“It’s a favor. A friend of mine has an admirer. One she doesn’t want. He’s been stalking her for years.”

The captain sat back in his seat and folded his hands over his slight belly. “That’s a long time. Boyfriend gone wrong?”

Josh shook his head. “No. She doesn’t know who he is. His notes aren’t signed.” He reached into his computer bag and pulled out the bloated folder he’d wrapped in plastic to protect the evidence. If there was any. Placing it on Red’s desk, he said, “This is just one folder. She’s got several of them. Twelve years’ worth. He’s been following her from state to state.”

Captain Redding’s brow knit with concern. “And you want to catch this guy.”

“I will. Dixie can’t keep running.”

Red gnawed on his bottom lip for a second. “Sounds like she’s asked the right man for help.”

He chuckled. “She didn’t ask. I offered. Then insisted. We go back a ways.”

A knowing grin slipped onto the old boy’s face. “Is that so?”

Josh rose and returned to his desk. “Yes, sir. Way back.” He cleared his throat and shoved the folder into his bag, setting it behind the desk. “Ditz will come

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