Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion #2) - Natasza Waters Page 0,22

you, Hunter. Get out of my chair.”

They both laughed and shook hands.

Watching his old mentor limp back to his desk, Ghost’s brow creased with concern. “Did you drop the bomb on Josh?”

“A couple minutes ago.” The leather chair groaned, as did Red when he resumed his seat.

Thane Austen placed his massive girth in the visitor’s chair in front of Red’s desk. “Think you should spread the word before the barbeque?”

Red waved him off. “Don’t want a big fuss. Besides, you’re the surprise attraction.”

Josh leaned back, intrigued. “As in?”

“Kayla, the kids and I are coming home.”

“You’re giving up the West Coast Chain Command?”

He nodded. “Got a better offer. One that allows us to live here in San Diego. Kayla and I like Hawaii, but she misses the fire-breathing harpy.” He jerked his head toward the comm center, indicating Nina Callahan, her best friend. “Marg, Lumin, and Mattie are on that list, of course. Good thing I have a free long distance phone plan or I’d be penniless.”

Ghost didn’t specify the details of his new position. Knowing his connections, Josh bet it was something high-level, maybe even dark ops. “Anyone else know you’re coming back?”

Admiral Austen removed his cap and set it on the edge of Red’s desk, then ran a hand over his short, dirty-blond hair. “Lt. Bach knows. Cricket has been talking with Kayla. They wanted it to be a surprise.” He chuckled. “Kayla’s out with Marg Cobbs right now. They’re looking at a house that happens to be for sale across the street from Marg. I don’t have to burn many brain cells to know my ass will be requested to sign on the dotted line this afternoon.”

Captain Redding nodded. “Our wives rule the roost. To keep the peace, best let them choose the nest.”

“Does Kayla want to come back to Base Command?” Josh would have her on the comm team any day.

Ghost grinned and shook his head. “Not happening. Course, that’s my opinion, which doesn’t count for much in my household. Not sure how that happened. Got thousands of men at my command, but my wife never listens to me.”

Wasn’t a man alive that couldn’t see the respect Ghost had for his wife. Team guys still called her Snow White. Thane Austen had all the characteristics of a man in charge, but Kayla was his partner and equal. Josh knew them both and when the Austens were in the same room, their love for one another was pretty evident. Course, they’d been through hell and back together.

Austen got up and retrieved a cup of water from the plastic jug kept in the office. “Tell me more about this stalker who’s after your friend, Josh.”

He wished he had more to tell. Ghost pretty much knew all the details. “He paid a visit to Dixie’s home last night. Left the neighbor’s tabby stuck to the front door with a bowie knife and a note.”

Ghost’s chin dropped and his piercing blue gaze intensified. “What did it say?”

“Send him away. But it was the note left in her shop that bothers me. Confirms he’s been watching. The note yesterday said, ‘I’ll kill you first before letting him put his cock in you.’ The guy left a love letter on my windshield last night, as well. Told me to stay away from Dix.” He grinned. “Worst fucking thing he could have done. Since Dix has run every time he shows up, he thinks she will again. I won’t let her do that.”

“Sounds a little familiar,” Red stated. “And not in a good way.”

Josh agreed, knowing Red referred to the Blood Shark. “Up until now, the notes presented a psychological threat. Yesterday was the first time he’d intimated physical harm. To me, it means he’ll take the next step if I don’t clear out of the way. I’ll stay with Dix at her place. Not giving this guy an opening to act on whatever fucked-up fantasies are going through his head.”

Ghost and Red shared a look and Josh assumed it had to do with when the Blood Shark hunted Kayla.

The admiral nodded. “I’ll tag along with you when you drop by NCIS.”

“Thanks, Admiral, but I got this covered.”

Ghost shook his head. “No, you don’t. Believe me.”

He wasn’t concerned about Dixie’s state of mind. “She’s not scared.”

The admiral’s smile turned caustic. “Oh, she’s scared. Or she will be, and that’s when things get dangerous. You, on the other hand, haven’t tasted fear yet.”

“With all due respect, Admiral, I know you dealt with the Blood Shark,

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